Having sat this morning and chatted with my eldest about the quirks of the Big Blue Skip ...
We decided, (well I did), we're going to pull off the inlet manifold and decoke the EGR pipework and 'chambers' ...
This is a pain in the 'arris as the Vauxhall 1.6 Astra/Zafira lump hides this bit under the windscreen scuttlebit ...
We are going to do this on the Bank Holiday at the end of May, plenty of time says me ...

Bloody vehicle was listening, she's wet her knicks all over tonight after I got back from Dads, just at six o'clock as the shops shut ...
Pinhole in the rad hose ...
When I was a Shtoodent I came back from Lunnen to Bath to see my mates and stay wiv my Dad.
I came with a mate in his Mini. On the M4 his top hose had a pinhole. First we filled it up from the washer bottle, but that didn't last long so I told him to pull onto the hard shoulder under a bridge and I'd climb up the embankment to the road to see if I could get some help. He didn't have recovery or anything. He stayed behind to tell the plods what was going on if they stopped to take a look.
So, didn't know where we were, but I told him "Whatever you do, don't pee!".
So I climbed up walked off down a road and came across a mechanic fixing a small truck. I asked him if he had a Mini top hose in his van. "no" quoth he, "but they'll have one in the stores and I am just going off there." So I jumped in his van and off we sped.
Sho nuff they had one, so back we went to where he was doing his repair, I gave him a 50 p thank you, which in those days was enough for two pints, walked back to our car and fixed the new hose in place, all it took was a screwdriver.
Then we both peed in the radiator!
This got us to Bath where my mates all wondered where the feck we had got to!
The mech said to me, while we were driving back from the stores, that as the pinhole was on the top surface of the hose, if we had taken the rad cap off to reduce the pressure, it might have run a bit hot, but we'd prolly have got where we wanted to go with no further bother!
To finish the tale, my mate, who had moaned that "I (i.e. he) ought to have changed the hoses before." while all this was going on, insisted on changing the bottom hose. I agreed to help, as he was staying at my Dad's place, but told him HE was taking it off!!