Am stuck into trying to see where the Disco is loosing its coolant.

W even came out to offer a cup of something and even helped a bit.

She's on a zoom and I am looking at Haynes, having found a few drops of coolant under the nearside front of the engine.
I am learning all the time.
Thort the coolant pump would be on the back of the fan pulley.
OH NO! That is too old skool, Stan! Norty boy!
It is in fact.........well I won't bore you with the details but yes it is above where I found the drops, in a cleft between the block and a strut thingy holding something on to the block. Ther is also a coolant sensor there. so if this IS the problem, either or both could be leaking. But it is a real sh!t to both get to and check for leaks, i.e. to even see it!
Have to remove the centrifugal oil filter housing and the turbo and move the air con pump to one side.
Still the serpentine belt needs changing anyway and I have got one of those.
My dream is that I find one or a few bolts just need tightening.
But that is unlikely. Such things don't happen to me often. It'll need replacing or at least new gaskets and seals.
IF that is the problem.
It looks like rain otherwise I'd thrash it around the mountaings here to get it right up to temp then see if I can see it.
Don't FINK it's the head gasket. Oil cap no emulsion. No increase in oil level, no bubbles in the coolant header tank, at least not at the mo, but getting it real hot I can check again. Or I'll have to get one of those kits that tell you if your coolant has burnt gases in it.
Typical, I have one in the UK, although the liquid is out of date! Don't even know if you can get a cheapo one over here!

All NOT good fun, with only one car and us needing it to get back to Blighty by the end of the month to pick up a trailer etc etc.