I would just like to say

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Try the talcum powder trick, it may only be a pinhole and not leak till under presser then the engine heat may dry it before you can find it ...
As always, good advice. Thanks!:):)
Problem is I'd have to cover the whole (oily) engine more or less, as I'm not at all sure where it might even be coming from.:rolleyes:
I don't usually fire the parts gun at a car, but I think I'll get a new cap as they can't cost much and they are a known failing part.
My new neighbour will be bringing his coolant testing kit with him when he comes back on Monday, so that should give me a yea or nay on there being a head gasket problem, in the meantime I will try to see if it is seeping through somewhere around the pump cover and/or the temp sender, as they are both above where I have seen some coolant gathering.
Have to confess I was shocked to find the coolant pump is "attached to and driven by the power steering pump" (Haynes) and is not to be seen behind the fan pulley. I am too old skool! :rolleyes:
...that I was correct; the Left Hand front-wheel axle of the trike was loose.
Its a scary thought, the last LHF failure happened at 30MPH and the crash injuries were a dislocated neck and ripping my sub-scapularis tendon clean off the humerus which required surgery to fix. :(
I am glad that I caught this in time. :)
Going to keep a very watchful eye on it to see if it loosens again, if it does then some blue loctite will be applied.
A lucky "spot" really, it could have been a lot worse.
Is THIS why you have such problems with your neck?
If so, not surprised!!!
If it were me I'd have the whole feckin lot apart and get going with the Loctite on any and every fixing that could possibly lead to this sort of thing.
30 mph doesn't sound fast, but I once hit a small tree, head on, in a Mini at much less than that and it did a lot of damage.
Really not funny.
DO look after yourself mate!!
Is THIS why you have such problems with your neck?
If so, not surprised!!!
If it were me I'd have the whole feckin lot apart and get going with the Loctite on any and every fixing that could possibly lead to this sort of thing.
30 mph doesn't sound fast, but I once hit a small tree, head on, in a Mini at much less than that and it did a lot of damage.
Really not funny.
DO look after yourself mate!!
Indeed so. It was my own stupid fault I was really trying to go as fast as possible (30MPH) downhill and my first-ever welded item snapped clean in half and the LH wheel folded under the trike and that corner then dug in and over I went.
I managed to protect my head with my right arm as I went headfirst down to the roadway, the arm took the 200Lbs of me on it and the pressure ripped the tendon off the bone (sounded like a pistol-shot).
The Left wrist was bruised to black, but not broken. I didn't realise the damage done to my neck (other than I wouldn't turn my head properly) and went ahead with a bike tour of Holland 2 weeks later.
I do wish that I had done as Wifey suggested and gone to A & E for a full checkover. C'est-la-vie.
Going to work again on where the coolant is going from the Disco.:(:(:(:(
Beginning to wonder if it's the expansion tank cap. Amongst other things.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Invest in a pressure tester, they are awesome things and worth their weight. You can pressurise a cold system so any leaks don't evaporate before you can spot them
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Having sat this morning and chatted with my eldest about the quirks of the Big Blue Skip ...

We decided, (well I did), we're going to pull off the inlet manifold and decoke the EGR pipework and 'chambers' ...

This is a pain in the 'arris as the Vauxhall 1.6 Astra/Zafira lump hides this bit under the windscreen scuttlebit ...

We are going to do this on the Bank Holiday at the end of May, plenty of time says me ...:oops::eek:

Bloody vehicle was listening, she's wet her knicks all over tonight after I got back from Dads, just at six o'clock as the shops shut ... :mad:

Pinhole in the rad hose ...

Got up early local carp parts place opens at 08:30 ...it's a two and half mile walk away ...
Got there just as they opened ... they didn't have one and couldn't get it till Monday, but one of the girls was on a delivery run past my house and said she'd give me a lift back, so I bought the coolant :D:cool: saves having to lug that on the bus ...

Got a bus to the nearest Main Stealer that still does spare parts, yay they have one £35 but no jubilee clips ... :rolleyes:

Back home on a bus and started the job of the three sprung hose clips, yes those bastids, two were fairly easy ...

The last one was a piggin' piglet in a pigsty ...

I tried molegrips, waterpump pliers it wouldn't move and by now my hands had had enough, time to get the eldest lad involved ...

Took him a while, and we cut the old pipe away to get a better angle on it ...

All done and bled, tea drunk and sarnies wolfed ...

Might have a little doze on the sofa now ...
the starling infestation seems to be getting worse anorl
They can be quite useful. For the past few years my lawn has been devastated by chafer grubs. Treated it twice, but the best treatment was last June when the bugs were emerging in their hundreds on a daily basis. A large flock of starlings visited a few times a day for a week, and scoffed the lot. Lawn looking much better this year. Almost like a real lawn :D
They can be quite useful. For the past few years my lawn has been devastated by chafer grubs. Treated it twice, but the best treatment was last June when the bugs were emerging in their hundreds on a daily basis. A large flock of starlings visited a few times a day for a week, and scoffed the lot. Lawn looking much better this year. Almost like a real lawn :D
There's gazillions here, sqwark squeek whistle click chunner chunner.. all day, and all night seemingly redecorating with a sledge hammer.
Don't get me started on the state of the street covered in starling poo!!!
Try the talcum powder trick, it may only be a pinhole and not leak till under presser then the engine heat may dry it before you can find it ...
As always, good advice. Thanks!:):)
Problem is I'd have to cover the whole (oily) engine more or less, as I'm not at all sure where it might even be coming from.:rolleyes:
I don't usually fire the parts gun at a car, but I think I'll get a new cap as they can't cost much and they are a known failing part.
My new neighbour will be bringing his coolant testing kit with him when he comes back on Monday, so that should give me a yea or nay on there being a head gasket problem, in the meantime I will try to see if it is seeping through somewhere around the pump cover and/or the temp sender, as they are both above where I have seen some coolant gathering.
Have to confess I was shocked to find the coolant pump is "attached to and driven by the power steering pump" (Haynes) and is not to be seen behind the fan pulley. I am too old skool! :rolleyes:
Mornin Peeps
Lovely again today. Is the Blackbird that wakes first down ere, then the spuggies get goin.
Mrs has all the walrus symptoms but is testing negative (is there any point in testing any more?)
Anyway, going to drop niece's birthday present oft (at a distance), tidy the front garding before it gets too warm then meander to the beach so Fuzzybutt can have a swim, followed by a nice cold pint of sumthin fizzy made of apples :)
Curry later

Have a smashin day :)
They can be quite useful. For the past few years my lawn has been devastated by chafer grubs. Treated it twice, but the best treatment was last June when the bugs were emerging in their hundreds on a daily basis. A large flock of starlings visited a few times a day for a week, and scoffed the lot. Lawn looking much better this year. Almost like a real lawn :D

Saw something for the first time last week. A starling was poking around in the lawn, shook its head then moved on, poke, shake, poke shake. It wasnt shaking its head of course, it was wiping the snot off the tiny slugs then eating them. Didn't know they eated slugs.. o_O
Saw something for the first time last week. A starling was poking around in the lawn, shook its head then moved on, poke, shake, poke shake. It wasnt shaking its head of course, it was wiping the snot off the tiny slugs then eating them. Didn't know they eated slugs.. o_O
I suppose you'll eat anything if your 'ungry. :)
As always, good advice. Thanks!:):)
Problem is I'd have to cover the whole (oily) engine more or less, as I'm not at all sure where it might even be coming from.:rolleyes:
I don't usually fire the parts gun at a car, but I think I'll get a new cap as they can't cost much and they are a known failing part.
My new neighbour will be bringing his coolant testing kit with him when he comes back on Monday, so that should give me a yea or nay on there being a head gasket problem, in the meantime I will try to see if it is seeping through somewhere around the pump cover and/or the temp sender, as they are both above where I have seen some coolant gathering.
Have to confess I was shocked to find the coolant pump is "attached to and driven by the power steering pump" (Haynes) and is not to be seen behind the fan pulley. I am too old skool! :rolleyes:

If you want to find it, you'll have to suck it up or clean the engine and do one section at a time ...
The 'trick' also works for oil leaks etc ...