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Indeed, but after ignoring me for two weeks, I decided to go my own way. I have written the instructions, if they continue to ignore me, I will have to make a complaint.

I'd be a bit careful. Our solicitor calmly told us that the owner of the small patch of land between our property and the roadside could not be ascertained but to cover us in case anyone tried to deny us access in the future, our seller was giving us an indemnity policy - twenty years it has come back to bite me! No one is denying me access but someone is using it as a general parking ground and encouraging others in his position ( a renter) to come and join the throng. I do not have any comeback as I , like him and others, do not own the patch. We always looked after it - cutting the grass etc. and if we had fenced it off ten years ago I could have claimed a right over it, but we did not want it, we had enough garden for our needs - but what we didn't want a b**tard neighbour to resort to these tactics.
I'd be a bit careful. Our solicitor calmly told us that the owner of the small patch of land between our property and the roadside could not be ascertained but to cover us in case anyone tried to deny us access in the future, our seller was giving us an indemnity policy - twenty years it has come back to bite me! No one is denying me access but someone is using it as a general parking ground and encouraging others in his position ( a renter) to come and join the throng. I do not have any comeback as I , like him and others, do not own the patch. We always looked after it - cutting the grass etc. and if we had fenced it off ten years ago I could have claimed a right over it, but we did not want it, we had enough garden for our needs - but what we didn't want a b**tard neighbour to resort to these tactics.
I did see your thread and I think the chap is a right lowlife and I feel for you. The issues we are facing are little less onerous. Most things have been dealt with but a few issues have arisen in the searches too. There are already things in place backed by the government. It is these things I have pointed out.
That new fender is beginning to grow on me. Would I like one? - yes please. Would I spend my own dosh on one? Hmmm. Maybe if ernie got generous for a change.

We is of a similar mind. 90 hardtop in that heritage green wif steel wheels is rather appealin. Jus leave out all the nancy electronic bollix please, might bring it down to a reasonable price? :rolleyes:
Big day tomoz.
Off to a French chiropractor for the first time. This is make or break for the rest of our time over here. So i hope she knows what she is doing.:rolleyes:
Then in the affo off wine tasting and buying followed my a meal in a new-to-us restaurant.
Could be a good day, could be a great day.
All the best peeps!
Speak again tomoz
Hpi finance checks... They will only tell yer when there's outstanding finance on said vehicle, because the finance company technically own it until said finance is paid oft. Won't list bank loans unless they have a charge (fink its called that) against it. Its all to do wiv covering yer if yer buy it. Buy one which the seller has ont finance and they dunt pay it oft... means the finance company can take it oft yer as its still theirs. Hpi check will advise other fings like date of birth and crash status etc. They're all the same and have the same access to info. Difference is if they tell you everyfink and how they present it. Also the type and amount of insurance they offer if they get it wrong. But that aint needed in kev's situation as he int buying it.

I got the answer I was looking for, motor in question is not financed at all.