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Actually a solicitor can advise but should do as instructed unless that would mean breaking a law.
Eye would have fort they would operate in the best interests of the peep they were working for. The eggsample that springs to mind is visiting my solicitor for the first time. We talked about me castle and me being into diy. He told me that had changed his mind. He planned to discuss the purchase wiv me and tell me not to buy because of wurk that needed doing. But when he could see eye was happy to do a bit of diy... he changed his mind. Of course... staying wivvin the laws/regs anorl.
Eye would have fort they would operate in the best interests of the peep they were working for. The eggsample that springs to mind is visiting my solicitor for the first time. We talked about me castle and me being into diy. He told me that had changed his mind. He planned to discuss the purchase wiv me and tell me not to buy because of wurk that needed doing. But when he could see eye was happy to do a bit of diy... he changed his mind. Of course... staying wivvin the laws/regs anorl.
Indeed, but after ignoring me for two weeks, I decided to go my own way. I have written the instructions, if they continue to ignore me, I will have to make a complaint.
Afternoon folks:).

Another cracker of a day but down a little on the temp:).
Having a cuppa this am out on the patio and spotted some stakes (like builds pegging out stake) though WTF is this all about they come from the back corner of our plot, So after dumping the soil off the trailer in the ruts of the back driveway it was off on the quad to investigate (be nosey).
So they start at the corner of our plot and go down to the road but they dont follow the actual track line. Then off down the road and around the back of the hill, Up the hill to nearly the top then they turn and cut over the top and down tother side to the track where the goats herders place is then back into the village along the track. Stop short of getting all the way in and cuts across to the pond and carries on to the other side of our plot :eek:.
Its all very strange:confused:. There are no notices up at the office so have no idea at all. I guess it will all become obvious but right now it certainly isn't.

Apart from that I have done me days work and am now contemplating what to eat later:D.

You will know soon enough, when you wake up one morning to find a big leccy pylon in yer garding :oops:
A busy day today for Wimblowdriver. I use the term loosely of course. It was a 10 til 2 saturday. Oil service to sis in law's jam jar. Then inspect under dottirs partners jam jar to look at loose bits hanging down. Bodged a fix to secure the heat shields. And ordered a noo rear silencer as the old one has big corrosion in it. And its just turned beer o'clock :).
Gottid me castle insurance renewal come frew. Gone up 14 sovs. Hadda look ont line and admarul were offering it at 103 sovs. Me insurance had already sent me a price match discount code so eye gave em a call and gorrit discounted ter 103 sovs. Gorra do ma hippo breakdown cover next but the aa int gorra discount ont line at the moment. Eye be wootchin em like a hippo hawk ter pick the right time when they does.
Afternoon folks:).

Another cracker of a day but down a little on the temp:).
Having a cuppa this am out on the patio and spotted some stakes (like builds pegging out stake) though WTF is this all about they come from the back corner of our plot, So after dumping the soil off the trailer in the ruts of the back driveway it was off on the quad to investigate (be nosey).
So they start at the corner of our plot and go down to the road but they dont follow the actual track line. Then off down the road and around the back of the hill, Up the hill to nearly the top then they turn and cut over the top and down tother side to the track where the goats herders place is then back into the village along the track. Stop short of getting all the way in and cuts across to the pond and carries on to the other side of our plot :eek:.
Its all very strange:confused:. There are no notices up at the office so have no idea at all. I guess it will all become obvious but right now it certainly isn't.

Apart from that I have done me days work and am now contemplating what to eat later:D.

I think its the new Afghan Refugee centre dictated by that nice Mrs Merkel and her mate Macron. ;)
Do poppies grow well in the fields near you? :D