I would just like to say

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Fk it I taped it anyway an nailed him big time, admitted everything & promised all the cash back
I wont say wot I said, he will sell his car, tools bla bla promised me the world im getting a payment
plan drawn up for him to sign. Plus all the cash from the outstanding jobs is going to me, he has a subaru wrx project he bought for 2500 off one of my mates I will take that too at cost price I can get 5k for it. He was chalk white.
Once he's signed it then I will tell him if he misses a payment im selling the dept to my gangster mates in Glasgow. :D:D
Well that is at least a beginning of a result.
Hope he keeps up the payments.
How can he work if he sells his tools?
Will you still be working with him?
I think the thing he is most scared of is you blackening his name all over the place, whether that was mentioned or not.
Anyway, it must have been most satisfying for you. So good on yer, blue!:D:D:D:D:D
Windy as hell over here at the mo.
Twas misty but has cleared up.
Off to Castres soon to have my back cracked around, hope she is a tough sausage and not a wimpy little girl!
(And that will have opened the floodgates to all you durdy beggars just dying to ride that camel !!)
Have a good one folks!:):):):):)
Windy as hell over here at the mo.
Twas misty but has cleared up.
Off to Castres soon to have my back cracked around, hope she is a tough sausage and not a wimpy little girl!
(And that will have opened the floodgates to all you durdy beggars just dying to ride that camel !!)
Have a good one folks!:):):):):)
Good Luck! I hope it does the trick! :)
Windy as hell over here at the mo.
Twas misty but has cleared up.
Off to Castres soon to have my back cracked around, hope she is a tough sausage and not a wimpy little girl!
(And that will have opened the floodgates to all you durdy beggars just dying to ride that camel !!)
Have a good one folks!:):):):):)

Sausage an Wimpey, feeling peckish now.
You can keeps the camel, they can be a bit lumpy :)
Morning folks:).

Well have been out and got started, just about to get the electritrickery machines out and extension leads, the clouds have come over a bit omnibus so before I do that gonna have a cuppa to see what it does, Its clearing as I type. Is there no way I can get out of work:(.

Update on the pegging out, Looks like its gonna be an elctrickery fence for a big grazing pasture we suspect for cooos, Its huge 50acres at a guess. M asked the goat herders boss, He must have some pull with the village to be able to fence off common land;). But it is not used as much for the horses like it was when we first got here, so maybe a good thing:).

Have a goodun whatever your doing:).

Fk it I taped it anyway an nailed him big time, admitted everything & promised all the cash back
I wont say wot I said, he will sell his car, tools bla bla promised me the world im getting a payment
plan drawn up for him to sign. Plus all the cash from the outstanding jobs is going to me, he has a subaru wrx project he bought for 2500 off one of my mates I will take that too at cost price I can get 5k for it. He was chalk white.
Once he's signed it then I will tell him if he misses a payment im selling the dept to my gangster mates in Glasgow. :D:D
I could be a gangster cash in hand brilliant