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Hopefully not a bunch of holiday flats!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

They wont like the neighbor's we will make sure of that:D:D, soon get a pile of horse poop put out there. And some big barky guard dogs.
I could always go back to tuning 2 stroke bikes at 2 am :D. But we just have no idea at all. But we highly doubt a big development in this sleepy village:), We hope

Two more trips to the tip, we are starting to make a dent on the pile :) I 'hope' to hear from the solicitor by Wednesday with a moving date :D

Good to hear then you have a real target to aim for, I take it your previous concerns have been sorted?:).

Thanks for the kind thoughts, they are appreciated.
No one actually said "STOP" or crawl away and die. ;)
Life must go on, and I am a firm believer that if you convince yourself that things are no longer possible they very soon become so.
So, stuff that slowing down/taking it totally easy approach, I shall just avoid the "hard physical labour" elements.
Like you, I also don't stop when told to. I just put various parts of my bod on "light duties".
Trouble is, I still want to take that rear hub off and that involves a nut done up to fuck-off torque. But I will get around that by standing on it!, well on the breaker bar plus extension.
However, can only do this once I get a run at it, which won't be for a while as we have so much booked that involves the car, and I have to have it at least not p!ssing down!
Just take good care of all you do with yourself!!;););)
Well the scanning of the 15 page document then sending it off by email went much as imagined.
A right pain.
My stoopid scanner kept wanting to make PDFs of everything and no matter what we did with it it wouldn't play ball.
So I went off for a pee and by the time I got back Wifey had got it to save each page as an image although it then dropped it in "dropbox" something I never use! She didn't know how she'd done it so I just carried on with it anyway.:rolleyes:
But at least I could then work with it as an image.:):)
It took me sending it in two halves for the Frogs in Paris to get it but fingers are now well and truly crossed!:):):)

Now I'll have a look at it to see what she did! ("He just could not let it lie, could he? He couldn't let it lie!!");););)