I would just like to say

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Recording conversations... Depends how its done. If yer do it the wrong way it can't be used as evidence. Yer can't trick them into stuff then use it against them. Also if yer lead them into answering a question it dun't count. What did you do to the camel? Is ok as a question. You did xyz to the camel din't you? Is a leading question.
Hpi finance checks... They will only tell yer when there's outstanding finance on said vehicle, because the finance company technically own it until said finance is paid oft. Won't list bank loans unless they have a charge (fink its called that) against it. Its all to do wiv covering yer if yer buy it. Buy one which the seller has ont finance and they dunt pay it oft... means the finance company can take it oft yer as its still theirs. Hpi check will advise other fings like date of birth and crash status etc. They're all the same and have the same access to info. Difference is if they tell you everyfink and how they present it. Also the type and amount of insurance they offer if they get it wrong. But that aint needed in kev's situation as he int buying it.
Guid morn
Wet start to the week of Job searching....who am I kidding, cant be ar*$d
Real plans for the week ahead
Today- Gym; Tue-Gym n 5 mile walk; Wed- Gym; Thur- Job Seekers call, n gym n 5 mile walk;
Friday drive across to Fife for dinner with the old work collegues, get smashed stay over in Kirkcaldy
And then its the weekend again.
Daylight has now come and there is a low rolling mist over the fields. Although the golden glow is yet to arise I am sure it soon will and another lovely day will be in store.
I know it is Monday but that's no reason for us all not to enjoy it - Shimmy's off on 'is travels and Kev is on the man hunt - good luck to both.:)
Is it illegal to record a conversation without them knowing, If im talking to someone and I record it.

Nah! Be fine but he might notice though :rolleyes:

I was only interested in a certain vehicle to see if it has finance as a couple of months ago
you know who..his wife got a new motor told me she got it financed errr nope it wasnt bought
on the drip., now I know where 10k went.
I got the reg no by flying my mates drone over to his house lol. ;)
Well done mate "@kevstar, private eye"
Is it illegal to record a conversation without them knowing, If im talking to someone and I record it.
No and yes.
If you think he'd just clam up if you told him you were recording it, then I'd do it secretly and worry about the ins and outs of it later.
It might be as well to have a witness you trust nearby who would not then have to remember the convo word for word if you have it taped.
... finished all the high-level stuff and now I need to reconfigure the scaffold-tower so I can do the 3-4 foot band in the middle of the wall (above where my step-ladder reaches and below the deck of the scaffold). :)
Taking a breather with a cuppa fruit tea. :)
I will stop after the scaffold is re-built because...... My welder arrives back here 14:00 :D
So I can take a shower and await its appearance on my doorstep.
So, hot and sunny here today.
Took the apples to be squished and made into juice. Nowhere near as many as last year. Will only get about 22 litres this time.:(:(:(
Got back to find a letter from the French dog chip registering people. The vet had not told us to put a copy of the 15 page Brit vet's document in with the application!:rolleyes: so straight off to the vets to see what needed doing, and it took 2 of them to work it out! Typical frog bureaucracy.
Still, at least they were able to tell me what to do. So been up and down the mountain 4 times today, 2 of each!
Also I was able to ring them (the reg people) up and speak to a yuman bean! As they'd only requested the info for 2 out of the 3 dogs.
In a min I'll start the major scanning and emailing operation.
Hate doing this as no matter what format I do it in it'll be bound to be wrong.:mad::mad::mad:
... finished all the high-level stuff and now I need to reconfigure the scaffold-tower so I can do the 3-4 foot band in the middle of the wall (above where my step-ladder reaches and below the deck of the scaffold). :)
Taking a breather with a cuppa fruit tea. :)
I will stop after the scaffold is re-built because...... My welder arrives back here 14:00 :D
So I can take a shower and await its appearance on my doorstep.
So you are taking the docs and other medics advice and exercising your back and arms then?;)
Best of luck with not hurting yourself!:)
So you are taking the docs and other medics advice and exercising your back and arms then?;)
Best of luck with not hurting yourself!:)
Thanks for the kind thoughts, they are appreciated.
No one actually said "STOP" or crawl away and die. ;)
Life must go on, and I am a firm believer that if you convince yourself that things are no longer possible they very soon become so.
So, stuff that slowing down/taking it totally easy approach, I shall just avoid the "hard physical labour" elements.
Found one of me burd baffs wiv little watta innit and the bowl at an angle because the plastic centering bit in the middle under neef weren't innits hole. Nowt on camera going past so must have been a big burd taking oft and pushing down too much. Bowl tipped and din't fall back into place. Tis made of ornamental sment. Lucky it din't fall oft and crack.
Afternoon folks:).

Another cracker of a day but down a little on the temp:).
Having a cuppa this am out on the patio and spotted some stakes (like builds pegging out stake) though WTF is this all about they come from the back corner of our plot, So after dumping the soil off the trailer in the ruts of the back driveway it was off on the quad to investigate (be nosey).
So they start at the corner of our plot and go down to the road but they dont follow the actual track line. Then off down the road and around the back of the hill, Up the hill to nearly the top then they turn and cut over the top and down tother side to the track where the goats herders place is then back into the village along the track. Stop short of getting all the way in and cuts across to the pond and carries on to the other side of our plot :eek:.
Its all very strange:confused:. There are no notices up at the office so have no idea at all. I guess it will all become obvious but right now it certainly isn't.

Apart from that I have done me days work and am now contemplating what to eat later:D.

Afternoon folks:).

Another cracker of a day but down a little on the temp:).
Having a cuppa this am out on the patio and spotted some stakes (like builds pegging out stake) though WTF is this all about they come from the back corner of our plot, So after dumping the soil off the trailer in the ruts of the back driveway it was off on the quad to investigate (be nosey).
So they start at the corner of our plot and go down to the road but they dont follow the actual track line. Then off down the road and around the back of the hill, Up the hill to nearly the top then they turn and cut over the top and down tother side to the track where the goats herders place is then back into the village along the track. Stop short of getting all the way in and cuts across to the pond and carries on to the other side of our plot :eek:.
Its all very strange:confused:. There are no notices up at the office so have no idea at all. I guess it will all become obvious but right now it certainly isn't.

Apart from that I have done me days work and am now contemplating what to eat later:D.

Hopefully not a bunch of holiday flats!! :eek::eek::eek::eek: