I would just like to say

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What a flipping mess/laugh!
I try to imagine how long it would take without all your heavy machinery.
Very intersting. Love these stories and pics.:):):)

Thats not the real mess, I should have pictured the mess once id moved it then rolled it over as all the insulation came off then got
blown all over the place so I got some lads to help clear it up. I'll get you some real mess pics soon. :p🤣🤣
I had a lamp post which a passed at 3000rpm in third, started stopwatch and then stopped it at the firestation and noted my speed. Then tweaked it a bit and tried again to see if any improvement.
totally as good a method as any.
I have a test run I use all the time which is a mix of town, dual carriageway and country roads that I use often. So I get a good mix of driving. It also has quiet places where I can pull over, do plug cuts, retune, rev the nuts of it while stationary etc.
The old skool way of doing it was to put it in quite a high gear drive at say 15 mph in top then floor it and see how long it took to get to 40 mph. I am not sure how much of the needle this would cover but prolly most.

There used to be a measured half mile that the plods would use to toon their speedos (No not their trunks!) on a dual carriageway not far from where I used to live. but they pulled out the posts once they got all electronic.
But as you say, any two obvious landmarks would do.
Thats not the real mess, I should have pictured the mess once id moved it then rolled it over as all the insulation came off then got
blown all over the place so I got some lads to help clear it up. I'll get you some real mess pics soon. :p🤣🤣
If you go back to my post you will see that I edited it before reading this. As you say, this isn't really a mess at all.:)
Its organised mess 🤣 🤣
Like Eton mess.
Do you ever eat that?
It's OK, I think, not that I ever make it!
Too much for posh boys.
And you never see it on a menu even down here.
Maybe that is a reflection on the joints I eat in. 🤣

I'll be 70 in February. W has organised a dins in a really posh and expensive place. Whole fambly invited from all over the country.
(as her buthday is in May, when she hit 70 we organised a big party in France, great success all eaten outside. Last time I got so Brahms and Liszt that I threw up. (I was in charge of the bar and the wine!!) never since, so 8 years ago!)
Poor thing she is trying to keep it all a secret but doing things via email that I accidentally see, as she uses my address!
So maybe they'll do Eton mess and all the other posh nosh.
Must get on and cook my dins.
Smoked gammon, Heinz baked beans, some shrooms and anything else I fancy.
Oh and I'd better open a bot of vin.
Enjoy the evening folks!:):):)

I really dont see how you can fancy shrooms not really a fan of them in fact I had taken a big dislike to them when I got spiked once with mushy tea.....oh yer dragons n walls moving in an out, sick as a dog then I punched my so called mate over the bonnet of his motor so I mushed his face in 🤣 🤣 (he was the one who spiked me)
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Like Eton mess.
Do you ever eat that?
It's OK, I think, not that I ever make it!
Too much for posh boys.
And you never see it on a menu even down here.
Maybe that is a reflection on the joints I eat in. 🤣

I'll be 70 in February. W has organised a dins in a really posh and expensive place. Whole fambly invited from all over the country.
(as her buthday is in May, when she hit 70 we organised a big party in France, great success all eaten outside. Last time I got so Brahms and Liszt that I threw up. (I was in charge of the bar and the wine!!) never since, so 8 years ago!)
Poor thing she is trying to keep it all a secret but doing things via email that I accidentally see, as she uses my address!
So maybe they'll do Eton mess and all the other posh nosh.

I eat in a mess all the time, I get more on me than in my gob. 🤣🤣
I really dont see how you can fancy shrooms not really a fan of them in fact I had taken a big dislike to them when I got spiked once with mushy tea.....oh yer dragons n walls moving in an out, sick as a dog then I punched my so called mate over the bonnet of his motor so I mushed his face in 🤣 🤣
Oh dear!
I wasn't thinking of putting magic shrooms in me dins!!!
Never tried them, as far as I know!!
But ornery ones are fine and there is, or ought to be, an amazing range of them.
How canst thou not like a mushroom omelette? or "Champignons a la grecque".
Few places do these any more but our butcher in France does, as they do over there. They don't just cut up meat and flog it!
He makes all sorts of stuff. He studied longer than it takes to become a surgeon! In Paris and other places. and he is still young-ish!
But yes a dodgy episode can put you off stuff. We have a neighbour whose mates once spiked his beer on a night out. So he no longer drinks beer of any sort. That'd kill me!:confused:
I eat in a mess all the time, I get more on me than in my gob. 🤣🤣
Ha ha, nice one!
Get yersel a Pelican bib!!
Apparently, (I don't know cos she was born long before I met her) W's middle dottir made such a mess eating when she was small that they used to have to completely undress her, put a plastic sheet down on the floor, put a Pelican bib on her then plonk her down on the sheet before giving her her food. It went flipping everywhere. And she ate everything with her fingers including anything that had fallen into her bib or on the floor.
Glad I never had children!
No comment. !!! Deffo a steamer tho..
Funnily my ma never looked bad, but my god she was a monsta.
I was in a pub one day with all my mates, rugby players most of them, and my best mate who lived two doors down from me and had known me since I was eight. He ended up president of St Andrews uni rugby club, trained the Livorno club then played for the Racing Club de France in Paris, so not at all a wimp.
Well we were talking about how scared we had been of our mums when kids. Mine was a real cow but when I said she scared me, he piped up and said "Yep, she scared me and all!"!!
She would hit me and my bruv with anything that came to hand. Funny for a doctor.
so yep, deffo an old boiler!
You could see the rivets on a cool day!!🤣🤣🤣
Eye worry's about you lot sonetimes. The fing about charging a bus oft a generator. Some buses are years old. Smoke like a tratter. So using leccy buses in built up areas and cities reduces air pollution in that area. City centers have rules forcing em to reduce pollution. The genny may be used because there's a delay in gerrin power to where they want to charge. If power ain't available yer hafter pay the charge of upgrading the local sub. There's timescales involved in planning that. The genny may be more efficient than yer average bus. So it ain't all bad news. Yer be moaning if the bortid the buses and not used em.
Like Eton mess.
Do you ever eat that?
It's OK, I think, not that I ever make it!
Too much for posh boys.
And you never see it on a menu even down here.
Maybe that is a reflection on the joints I eat in. 🤣

I'll be 70 in February. W has organised a dins in a really posh and expensive place. Whole fambly invited from all over the country.
(as her buthday is in May, when she hit 70 we organised a big party in France, great success all eaten outside. Last time I got so Brahms and Liszt that I threw up. (I was in charge of the bar and the wine!!) never since, so 8 years ago!)
Poor thing she is trying to keep it all a secret but doing things via email that I accidentally see, as she uses my address!
So maybe they'll do Eton mess and all the other posh nosh.
Funny that there is always carrots in it even though you haven't consumed eny 😩😩
Eye worry's about you lot sonetimes. The fing about charging a bus oft a generator. Some buses are years old. Smoke like a tratter. So using leccy buses in built up areas and cities reduces air pollution in that area. City centers have rules forcing em to reduce pollution. The genny may be used because there's a delay in gerrin power to where they want to charge. If power ain't available yer hafter pay the charge of upgrading the local sub. There's timescales involved in planning that. The genny may be more efficient than yer average bus. So it ain't all bad news. Yer be moaning if the bortid the buses and not used em.
so thears only air in city's ? Just moving pollution around makes it ok does it !!
Morning All. :D
I had a moments panic last night when I could not find a crucial bit of the carburettor linkage. I checked all my pockets and no sign of it. Got up this morning got dressed and reached into the fob pocket (previously checked) and there it was... Phew!
I awoke a bit earlier today and did all my "start-up" chores (Cats, Paper, clear the things away from last night). :)
Got my mate on a call at 08:30 to talk about his pedal car racer. :)
I hope you all have a lovely day. :D