I would just like to say

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Eye worry's about you lot sonetimes. The fing about charging a bus oft a generator. Some buses are years old. Smoke like a tratter. So using leccy buses in built up areas and cities reduces air pollution in that area. City centers have rules forcing em to reduce pollution. The genny may be used because there's a delay in gerrin power to where they want to charge. If power ain't available yer hafter pay the charge of upgrading the local sub. There's timescales involved in planning that. The genny may be more efficient than yer average bus. So it ain't all bad news. Yer be moaning if the bortid the buses and not used em.
so thears only air in city's ? Just moving pollution around makes it ok does it !
Yer need to fink about this a bit deeperer. They won't be planning on using the genny in future. The desire of leccytrification is to gerrit from free sources like wind and sun. Yer can't do everyfink at once.

Have you ever desinged and built a product. Were all bits production made or a bit of a fiddle to get the first one going. The bus company trying to go leccy is doing so in stages.

The reality is diesel buses make a lot of soot because the driver is on and oft the brakes and power all the time. They go slower round obstacles like cirners. Hence the additional soot of eggscelleration after slowing or stopping each time. Diesels are only efficient when cruising. Even wiv egr, intercoolers and reuse of eggsauce gases yer still make a lot if soot when pulling away assit uses more raw diesel to givvit power. Soot they would rather not have in citues where there be lots of predestrians.

Hence why buses are suited to leccy power. Before they spend a million sovs on charging kit they can test the buses by charging them oft a genny. A genny running at constant speed. Therefore at its highest efficiency.
Still don't make it right, could have petrol powered buses, if the infrastructure not there you is wasting your time look at the water supplier and sewage plants how long have thay been operating and its still no good leaks every where , raw sewage beeing dumped in rivers and the sea, never will work untill you sort the fat cats out
That's interesting. I've always known that as the 'fifth' pocket.
Did you also know that riveted jeans originally had a rivet at the very top of the inseam.
Apparently sitting near the camp fire made one rather uncomfortable..
Yes, the "Crotch Rivet" was removed for humane reasons. ;)
Sitting round a roaring camp fire you didn't want a tingly on your dingly-dangly.
Sneaking in like I haven't been absent.

Redundancy confirmed and I accepted a job offer yesterday. Now on leave for a week. 😁

Also had the most raging ear infection I look pished walking into doctors surgery from the car.

How's everyone?
Good to hear from you.
Glad you have a new job and a bit of dosh in your pocket too.
Sorry about the ear. Hope it gets better soon.
The little pocket in top RH edge of the RH front pocket of a pair of jeans is known as a fob pocket. It is where cowboys kept their fob watch. Not to be confused with the fob-pocket of a 3-Pea-whistle. ;)
Well I like that!!
And I was always told that it was for their Zippo lighter!! Which does fit a treat I have to say!!🤣
Decidedly ticked off with the local District Nurse team, they were due out today to change Dad's catheter ...

So I get there at 05:00 for usual tablet prompt, went home ... came back for 08:30 as DN start at 09:00 and there locally based to where I live, which is 4miles from Dads ....

All day, nada, phone up the 'Central point of Access Team' at 16:30, as they work till 18:00 or the list is finished .... he's not on their list for today ... :mad:

Rescheduled for Wed. 19th Feb. 08:30 - 14:00, which means time off of work :rolleyes:
Decidedly ticked off with the local District Nurse team, they were due out today to change Dad's catheter ...

So I get there at 05:00 for usual tablet prompt, went home ... came back for 08:30 as DN start at 09:00 and there locally based to where I live, which is 4miles from Dads ....

All day, nada, phone up the 'Central point of Access Team' at 16:30, as they work till 18:00 or the list is finished .... he's not on their list for today ... :mad:

Rescheduled for Wed. 19th Feb. 08:30 - 14:00, which means time off of work :rolleyes:
So sorry about all this. really feel for you.;)
Being a carer at such a distance is far more difficult than being a live-in one. :(:(:( At the mo I am experiencing the lack of care from the NHS.
W still has not had a wash since her op Thursday. Stoma bag not been changed either.
I am dying to get her home and properly sorted out. :rolleyes:
Do hope you get your dad sorted out and totally appreciate that your job is made far harder by the fact you are still working.
A milestone has been reached 🙂


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