I would just like to say

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You sure?

The p38 has a button on the lever to lift before you can move it always got me foot on the brake anyway have been told thats not part of the interlock. the L322 I cant turn me knob till I put my foot on the brake.

Its such an automatic thing you don't know your actually doing it.

Refrains from commenting what I want to say as this isn't AG
Only ever been to Leicester once and that was in about 1974. Had a girlfriend whose mum lectured in I think Physics at the uni, her dad was a sort of hall tutor type person at Loughborough uni so he had free accomodation. Mebbes that would be a way of doing it? He lectured in a sciency or mathy subject too. Girlfriend was having a year out working at Bath uni, where I worked.
(Seems to be a lot of "uni" in this post!)
Spect they don't have these nice little numbers any more.:(
And Leicester didn't seem too rough back then.

Yes, those 'residence tutor' type of things have been going on throughout most of my own working life. You're on duty in case the students need anything and in return get a free or at least subsidized room. Sadly some of the staff who did this tried to use it as their own personal dating agency and several times I've had students in tears in my office saying they've been sexually harassed by the residence tutor. Not just the girls either. Another one took up a post like this and was chortling about what a cushy number it was - a free flat and all you've got to do is occasionally help a student who's locked themselves out. The smile was quickly wiped from his face by an incident where a student let a lot of her friends in who were not members of the university and they had a food fight involving eggs. This led to much angst because the carpets and furnishing fabrics were spoiled, and the cleaners refused to tackle it because they felt it was more mess than they were paid for, plus complaints from other students (and their parents) that items of clothing had been damaged by egg flinging yobs, and why were we paying fees for this when it's been left in this disgusting mess. Oh how the puns tripped off our tongues! 'How eggsasperating', 'I eggspect you'll be wanting to make an eggsample of someone', and much more. So the residence tutor malarkey always seemed to me to be more trouble than it was worth and I never put myself forward.
Isn't it interesting that in the 1950s and 60s manufacturers would try and pretend that their manual cars were automatic by providing a column gear change. It made things look more luxurious. Then as time wore on they started trying to make the automatics look like manuals by puting the shifter on the transmission tunnel, and putting 1, 2, and 3 on it to make it look like gears.
Isn't it interesting that in the 1950s and 60s manufacturers would try and pretend that their manual cars were automatic by providing a column gear change. It made things look more luxurious. Then as time wore on they started trying to make the automatics look like manuals by puting the shifter on the transmission tunnel, and putting 1, 2, and 3 on it to make it look like gears.

I wonder how many peeps would know where to start with a column shift manual 🤔

Isn't it interesting that in the 1950s and 60s manufacturers would try and pretend that their manual cars were automatic by providing a column gear change. It made things look more luxurious. Then as time wore on they started trying to make the automatics look like manuals by puting the shifter on the transmission tunnel, and putting 1, 2, and 3 on it to make it look like gears.
Once or twice drove a Saab 95 estate with column change and inertia clutch, so in many ways the best of both worlds. You got the inertia clutch to work, or not, by pushing or pulling on a thingy that stuck out right in the middle of the bulkhead, if memory serves. They don't make em like they used to. Now it's all J gates or flappy paddles and flipping electronix..
Pleased to report that the doggy is a lot better. Still carrying her head tilted to one side, but now able to go up and down stairs on her own, eating better and generally more lively and interested in stuff.
Busy old day between paperwork for the visas and fiddling with the D2. Had to go and get the passport photos. Rememebered to not dress like the passport phot ones as they have to be "recent"! Last time I had to point out that I had a beard in the newer one!
Changed the indicator lense which was a little more difficult then I expected due to having to mess around finding a riding light bulb that worked, then having yet another go at the ACE. Flipping thing now is not putting the warning light up and is staying that way when I throw it around. Foxwell still says, "relay test fault" code I think 1005. But I know the relay works cos I've tested it over and over. I think maybe the wire that only tests it from the ACE ecu is a bit fubar. If there is such a wire. Flipping electronix.

Have a good evening folks. :):):)
Found it. In the tray at the top of one of me plstic tool boxes. Ain't seen it for a few years. Eye has searched in there before. And all over me dining room which is me wurk room. Tis where eye made me garage doors.

Gorrit from axminster tools. Sad to see some of their chops have closed. Rising costs. :(
Found it. In the tray at the top of one of me plstic tool boxes. Ain't seen it for a few years. Eye has searched in there before. And all over me dining room which is me wurk room. Tis where eye made me garage doors.

Gorrit from axminster tools. Sad to see some of their chops have closed. Rising costs. :(
Well done!
More than once I have found tools "hiding" on top of something where you can only see it if you are up a ladder, where you were last time you used it! :)