I would just like to say

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Did you know it is illegal to run your car to defrost it £40 if not paid in 14 days go's up to £80 sec 42 1988
From wot eye see only under certain conditions like being on the road. If yer on yer drive it dun't count. But others o'fences can capture you there. Seems to have been created to cut down on local noise and pollution. Yer can't idle wiv oot a good reason. If yer dun't have the ability to defrost using any other method then it may not apply.
Bright white and cold here
I think I've been trolled, is that what you call it ?
I thought that I would put my camper hinged seat idea on transit camper site ... bad idea !!!

I have been informed that my stupidity in doing this will probably kill both me and my passenger
Seat hinges not crash tested, seat will rip from base in an accident, base will rip from floor
Asked what is the point if it has to be bolted down on one side
Informed that having batteries under seat will cause hydrogen gas to build up and cause an explosion,
Informed that batteries must be fastened down and terminals protected or else (job not finished)
Told that my insurance will now be invalid
I've been laughed at and called names even by a camper builder company
Mostly very negative comments speculating doom and gloom
Couple of good folk saying it's a good idea but beginning to wonder if it's worth sharing in future

Is it me ?? :D


  • 414943093_898088955389007_3313686749704022017_n.jpg
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Bright white and cold here
I think I've been trolled, is that what you call it ?
I thought that I would put my camper hinged seat idea on transit camper site ... bad idea !!!

I have been informed that my stupidity in doing this will probably kill both me and my passenger
Seat hinges not crash tested, seat will rip from base in an accident, base will rip from floor
Asked what is the point if it has to be bolted down on one side
Informed that having batteries under seat will cause hydrogen gas to build up and cause an explosion,
Informed that batteries must be fastened down and terminals protected or else (job not finished)
Told that my insurance will now be invalid
I've been laughed at and called names even by a camper builder company
Mostly very negative comments speculating doom and gloom
Couple of good folk saying it's a good idea but beginning to wonder if it's worth sharing in future

Is it me ?? :D
You could go full BoB and troll their forum and keep getting a ban a couple of times a week (if you could be bothered)
Bright white and cold here
I think I've been trolled, is that what you call it ?
I thought that I would put my camper hinged seat idea on transit camper site ... bad idea !!!

I have been informed that my stupidity in doing this will probably kill both me and my passenger
Seat hinges not crash tested, seat will rip from base in an accident, base will rip from floor
Asked what is the point if it has to be bolted down on one side
Informed that having batteries under seat will cause hydrogen gas to build up and cause an explosion,
Informed that batteries must be fastened down and terminals protected or else (job not finished)
Told that my insurance will now be invalid
I've been laughed at and called names even by a camper builder company
Mostly very negative comments speculating doom and gloom
Couple of good folk saying it's a good idea but beginning to wonder if it's worth sharing in future

Is it me ?? :D
I remember it being said that painting is a process which protects a surface from the weather but exposes it to the critics. People love being negative, and you're getting the equivalent of 'look, you've missed a bit'. If hydrogen build-up was that much of a problem, most of us with Land Rovers would have been blown out through the roof like a James Bond ejector seat, because that's where the batteries live on a number of models. Batteries are supposed to be fastened down for the MOT, though when I bought mine it came with a fresh MOT and a battery clamp that had rusted away, so they may not be terribly careful about checking. I can't comment on the seat mountings because I haven't got the construction and use regulations to hand. But there are a great many postings on Landyzone from people who've adapted seats from other cars to fit, and nobody's reporting fatalities and prosecutions just yet. People have been in trouble for the state of repair of their Land Rover, like Nigel Gresham a few years ago, but that was because there were multiple faults. Not because they'd got a non standard seat.
I remember it being said that painting is a process which protects a surface from the weather but exposes it to the critics. People love being negative, and you're getting the equivalent of 'look, you've missed a bit'. If hydrogen build-up was that much of a problem, most of us with Land Rovers would have been blown out through the roof like a James Bond ejector seat, because that's where the batteries live on a number of models. Batteries are supposed to be fastened down for the MOT, though when I bought mine it came with a fresh MOT and a battery clamp that had rusted away, so they may not be terribly careful about checking. I can't comment on the seat mountings because I haven't got the construction and use regulations to hand. But there are a great many postings on Landyzone from people who've adapted seats from other cars to fit, and nobody's reporting fatalities and prosecutions just yet. People have been in trouble for the state of repair of their Land Rover, like Nigel Gresham a few years ago, but that was because there were multiple faults. Not because they'd got a non standard seat.
Seat mountings are as standard, hinges that fix swivel base to seat base are heavy duty and bolted/welded stronger than the two mild steel bolts that hold the runners to the base so runners will break first and they are crash tested by Ford :)
Transit main battery is under drivers seat as standard,

Some people just like to be clever and find fault, I should have bolted batteries down before I took pictures not after because the first comment was regarding battery security and bare terminals (as if I'd leave it like that) :)
From wot eye see only under certain conditions like being on the road. If yer on yer drive it dun't count. But others o'fences can capture you there. Seems to have been created to cut down on local noise and pollution. Yer can't idle wiv oot a good reason. If yer dun't have the ability to defrost using any other method then it may not apply.
I think it is the "leaving the engine running without being behind the wheel" thing that bothers the law. As maybe, if auto, it could start driving itself, or scrotes/kids could jump in it and try to drive off.
It's quite an old law I seem to remember, back from the days no one gave a monkeys about the enviremememnt!
I remember it being said that painting is a process which protects a surface from the weather but exposes it to the critics. People love being negative, and you're getting the equivalent of 'look, you've missed a bit'. If hydrogen build-up was that much of a problem, most of us with Land Rovers would have been blown out through the roof like a James Bond ejector seat, because that's where the batteries live on a number of models. Batteries are supposed to be fastened down for the MOT, though when I bought mine it came with a fresh MOT and a battery clamp that had rusted away, so they may not be terribly careful about checking. I can't comment on the seat mountings because I haven't got the construction and use regulations to hand. But there are a great many postings on Landyzone from people who've adapted seats from other cars to fit, and nobody's reporting fatalities and prosecutions just yet. People have been in trouble for the state of repair of their Land Rover, like Nigel Gresham a few years ago, but that was because there were multiple faults. Not because they'd got a non standard seat.
Yup, the Kit Car brigade would laught hemselves silly at all this!!!!!
Seat mountings are as standard, hinges that fix swivel base to seat base are heavy duty and bolted/welded stronger than the two mild steel bolts that hold the runners to the base so runners will break first and they are crash tested by Ford :)
Transit main battery is under drivers seat as standard,

Some people just like to be clever and find fault, I should have bolted batteries down before I took pictures not after because the first comment was regarding battery security and bare terminals (as if I'd leave it like that) :)
Don't tell us, tell THEM!!!

Only joking!
I think it is the "leaving the engine running without being behind the wheel" thing that bothers the law. As maybe, if auto, it could start driving itself, or scrotes/kids could jump in it and try to drive off.
It's quite an old law I seem to remember, back from the days no one gave a monkeys about the enviremememnt!
Eye looked it up. Its still current law and modded recently for other stuff. Cars are safe to leave in park on tick over. Yer need two actions to put an auto in gear to move. Merkins manage it but their cars aredaft. Yer not allowd to leave a car running unattended. Thats a different pat of the law.
Bright white and cold here
I think I've been trolled, is that what you call it ?
I thought that I would put my camper hinged seat idea on transit camper site ... bad idea !!!

I have been informed that my stupidity in doing this will probably kill both me and my passenger
Seat hinges not crash tested, seat will rip from base in an accident, base will rip from floor
Asked what is the point if it has to be bolted down on one side
Informed that having batteries under seat will cause hydrogen gas to build up and cause an explosion,
Informed that batteries must be fastened down and terminals protected or else (job not finished)
Told that my insurance will now be invalid
I've been laughed at and called names even by a camper builder company
Mostly very negative comments speculating doom and gloom
Couple of good folk saying it's a good idea but beginning to wonder if it's worth sharing in future

Is it me ?? :D
It was you. Yer told us yer posted it.

They raise some valid points to fink about. If said points have been covered then all is ok. It would be a mod yer need to tell yer insurance about. But eye guess yer vehicle is already modified quite a bit. Hinges can look strong but in a crash the force would be on the metal pin through the hinge. They ain't always that strong. Hinge would tare from one end first normally if a large force like a crash were applied.
More like thay wanted to hide it be for production to prevent ridicule

( the above is a personal opinion and is copyright protected

I hope you have a gun cabinet

I think even the rather dilatory Leicestershire constabulary would take an interest in me if I started taking pot shots at my neighbours. I think I'll leave them to their packets of mysterious white powder and synthetic cannabinoids, washed down with convenience store lager, and nature will surely take its course.