I would just like to say

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It's probably worth noting that in 1974 there was a lot for people to do in Leicester. There was still a thriving textile and footwear industry and a great many people either worked in it or serviced the machinery - there were a great many sewing machine mechanics and loom mechanics for example. The Corah and Sons works was the largest textile producer in Europe for a while and made all the 'St Michael' branded stuff on sale in Marks and Spencers. And that wasn't the only one. With the loss of industry has come a loss of purpose for much of the population. The coffee shops and IT startups can only employ so many, and the corrosive effect of nearly two generations of this has made a difference to the way people live and spend their time. Imagine the scene in, say, 1969. You and your spouse were working in the textile industry and making reasonably good money by working class standards. Enough to have a family, whereupon you had to keep at it because there were kids depending on you. It was steady regular work, and maybe you could even buy a house with it. If not, there were plenty of council houses available to let at very reasonable prices to people with kids. Nice areas too, not full of discarded mattresses and burnt out cars as they later became. In any event there was enough money for a Ford 100E, or maybe even a Mark 1 Cortina, so you could have trips out to Skegness. Perhaps even steak and chips in a Berni Inn once in a while. Within ten years all that had gone. Another ten and the remains of the factories themselves had been crushed to powder in the concrete crusher, along with the dreams and aspirations of a more idyllic and prosperous time.

I think if that had happened to me or my parents I might throw the odd nappy in the street, or even vote for Brexit. Perhaps pop down to the bus station and see if there was any spice for sale. There's f*ck all else to do.
Brown you have just compounded my decision for are move many years ago we had some doubts but not eny more😐😐could not live like that
Brown you have just compounded my decision for are move many years ago we had some doubts but not eny more😐😐could not live like that

Yup, sounds like you've found somewhere nice. @Bobsticle 's characterisations of Manchester ring true as well. There was a time when city life was exciting and interesting. As a teenager I couldn't wait to go and live in a big city. Now I'm looking forward to getting away from them. The real action in the UK's economy is going on inside the M25, most of which you can't see because it's in the finance sector, and elsewhere there's just drifting, demoralised people who are now surplus to the financialised, neoliberal economies of the 21st century. There are a few cadres of us who earn a middle class sort of wage in the public services, but one way or another we're all clientised, either as benefit claimants, patients and students or as administrators, or healthcare or education workers. I'm looking forward to leaving it all behind and disappearing into the trees - my trees - and no one will ever see me again!
Sun shine but cold and a crisp dryness sola batteries charging nicely funny the PV array works better when it's cold and sunny be careful over there with the weather pics would be nice 📷📷📷

Currently 24°C and hazy today.
