I would just like to say

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It's been flippin hot today.
The blokes who repair and built the Disco 2's must have had special training on fitting the blasted plenum thing. I couldn't get my mended one to fit, it was as if there was something invisible underneath preventing it from sitting down far enough.
Anyway at one point it boost, again, where it had boost before.
So I just put it on as best I could and used a lot of exterior silicon sealant and gaffer tape to seal the break, (which no on had done before) at least it will be hidden under the bonnet.
The mech and motor are working, but I have yet to refit the bonnet and the wipers, had to accompany W to the 'airdressers as she don't spikka da langwidge.

The heat was so much that if I put a tool down in the sun, seconds later I couldn't pick it up again. I was also burning my hands on any exposed metal.
In these circs I always think that it'll go quickly and not worth bothering setting up sun umbrellas etc. More fool me!
Coming back home today, at the bottom of the mountain road there is a tight roundabout.
A truck towing a trailer as big as the thing behind itself had managed to turn the trailer over dumping its contents, big heavy scrap, into the ditch and people's garden. So the pleud (Frog for plod) were there just doing not much.
I said to W that'll be on the dash cam, maybe.
We have never tried to download anything from it.
So got home got it out the car, it takes a smaller USB than either of us have and the tiny memory chip cannot be read by my pooter as I don't have an adaptor for the chip reader, must have left it in Blighty.
So we'll never know!
She is supposed to be able to do it all through an "app" but she don't know how to, and of course this is all my fault!
You gotta love tech, so they tell me!!
Tavelling people camped 50yrds across the field from where my trailer is parked, worried as caravan is there as well 😌


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Well the plenum is back on, not clever but there you go.
Wipers arms etc on, all working as they should.
Typically the hardest part of the job was simply described as "remove" and "replace" in the Haynes.
Still, relaxing and getting over the heat with nice tall Ricards and some nuts and fings before doing dins!
Have a nice evening folks!
Got an Orses Piddle visit t'day, fer an Ultra Sound on me neck ...

Bleddy thing swells up at rando moments, for an hour or so, made worse by eating and chewing, but only on the right side ...

Then half an hour later, it goes down a bit, unless I eat summat else ...

Next day, right as rain, eating, drinking ... nothing, nada, no reaction at all ...

Rando blockage of drainage from someplace to someplace else ...

Nurse at the GP's said, "that's SOOO weird" ....

Anndd the sonographer says, "nothing unusual or abnormal there ... :rolleyes:
You need to go & get it looked at asap, I got bitten with a wolf spider 2 years ago it was all swollen with rings round the
bite luckily it didnt get infected, but it didnt clear up for months. Yours sounds serious. :(:(
Bet you were howling about it for months after
W managed to rememeber that she had an "After Bite " stick, one of those with the 3.5 ammonia in it. So I put that on it a coupla times. I also have some antibiotic cream which I had been putting on it.
After a night's sleep it is a lot better and the redness has reduced. Just a tiny little pus-filled head which I am keeping clean and treating.
So much less painful I can walk on it much better and even put my wellies on again!
I kept them indoors last night and inspected then very carefully before putting em on!
But yes, as you say according to t'internet they can get very nasty! And I am 99% sure that it was a spider. Thanks for the concern.
Did he have to have ops to cut away necrotised flesh etc? :eek:
Fab wee things
Thats good news. :):)

BTW youve been spotted 🤣🤣🤣

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Didn't know Stan had a Merc too
During teenage years pretty much had one of those on me all the time including Staffordshire while it was belting it down over some training area wishing I was in the pub instead.