I would just like to say

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This comment has made my day. So many things i can do with this....

Only posted that cuz me bro in lore godda spidger inniz wellie aboat 10 yurs back. He’s a stubborn mule and let it get infected so I reckon A&E is a good bet, mate.
W managed to rememeber that she had an "After Bite " stick, one of those with the 3.5 ammonia in it. So I put that on it a coupla times. I also have some antibiotic cream which I had been putting on it.
After a night's sleep it is a lot better and the redness has reduced. Just a tiny little pus-filled head which I am keeping clean and treating.
So much less painful I can walk on it much better and even put my wellies on again!
I kept them indoors last night and inspected then very carefully before putting em on!
But yes, as you say according to t'internet they can get very nasty! And I am 99% sure that it was a spider. Thanks for the concern.
Did he have to have ops to cut away necrotised flesh etc? :eek:
You need to go & get it looked at asap, I got bitten with a wolf spider 2 years ago it was all swollen with rings round the
bite luckily it didnt get infected, but it didnt clear up for months. Yours sounds serious. :(:(
It looks like I was lucky.
We watch very carefully any sort of bite we get as we don't want tick bites with Lymes disease or Dengi fever from Tiger Mozzies both of which we could get here.
(One of our Dutch friends got Dengi fever in Bali last time he wass there, i.e. January/February time. That was NOT fun.
Mine didn't swell too bad and there were no rings round it or black lines coming from it.
As I just posted, it's a lot better now, thanks for asking!:):):)
Put my wellies on, barefoot as usual to go and let the hens out. Felt something a bit sharp on top of my left foot.

An ant or summat must have bit me, really stinging and a pain.
Flipping thing.
Never had anything else in my boot except a frog or a toad once.
Feels like I'm living in an 'ot country and I need to check um for scorpions every time from now on!
Did you eventually find a scorpion. You end feeling like **** for a couple of weeks. I had a scorpion in my rain mac when I was in the jungle 1984. Little blighter stung me several times before I managed to get rid of it.
As the only helicopter refueller for the camp I felt I had the flu for two weeks.
Great shame, at least something was saved. I'm surprised if most cars were low mileage, good condition etc that the sons didn't want to 'bother with some paperwork'. I'm assuming this is in France - if they were still on UK plates then there would have been a lot of difficulty and expense but if they had already been imported onto French plates then not much of a problem?

Funny how the tables have turned over time re. people now seeking out kit cars for parts!
No, they were all on French plates. I am wondering if the sons didn't realise the value of them as they were not exactly the most classic of classic cars, also I wouldn't be at all surprised if they weren't pretty well wedged up anyway and just didn't need the money. They all needed recommisioning so a bit more like barn finds than drivers. But buying and selling cars in Frogland involves a lot more paperwork than in the UK. One and only car I ever bought over here back in 1978 it cost me 500 francs just to change ownership! The car only cost 2500 francs! I was shocked to say the least.

Thing with kit cars is that in order to sell the kits the manufacturers had to design ones that would accept parts from common donors, so they used Cortinas, old RWD Escorts, Triumph Heralds/Vitesses, Aircooled Beetles, Jags, then Sierras, BMWs, etc.
After a while they struggled to find RWD donors, so things got a bit trickier, and pricier. Or they used FWD and designed mid engined kits, so they could put the engine at the back!

I'll shut up now as I can get very boring about all this!
Got an Orses Piddle visit t'day, fer an Ultra Sound on me neck ...

Bleddy thing swells up at rando moments, for an hour or so, made worse by eating and chewing, but only on the right side ...

Then half an hour later, it goes down a bit, unless I eat summat else ...

Next day, right as rain, eating, drinking ... nothing, nada, no reaction at all ...

Rando blockage of drainage from someplace to someplace else ...

Nurse at the GP's said, "that's SOOO weird" ....
Bet her comment really helped!
You've not swallowed a fishbone have you, or rather not swallowed it far enough?
Use petrol to melt polystyrene to a gel and use that ...
Wow that is an idea! will that stick all these types of plastic?
I have literally gallons of petrol, we'll have to hunt for some polystyrene though!
Thanks for the tip!
I'm going to try it anyway just to see, as I may well have managed to stick it.
W managed to rememeber that she had an "After Bite " stick, one of those with the 3.5 ammonia in it. So I put that on it a coupla times. I also have some antibiotic cream which I had been putting on it.
After a night's sleep it is a lot better and the redness has reduced. Just a tiny little pus-filled head which I am keeping clean and treating.
So much less painful I can walk on it much better and even put my wellies on again!
I kept them indoors last night and inspected then very carefully before putting em on!
But yes, as you say according to t'internet they can get very nasty! And I am 99% sure that it was a spider. Thanks for the concern.
Did he have to have ops to cut away necrotised flesh etc? :eek:
Ee wuz in osspittle fer a few days, invection ad gon arfwai uppis leg. Ad tu cut is welli off (twas a shammo anorl!) loads uv antibyotiks an ee wuz ok.
It looks like I was lucky.
We watch very carefully any sort of bite we get as we don't want tick bites with Lymes disease or Dengi fever from Tiger Mozzies both of which we could get here.
(One of our Dutch friends got Dengi fever in Bali last time he wass there, i.e. January/February time. That was NOT fun.
Mine didn't swell too bad and there were no rings round it or black lines coming from it.
As I just posted, it's a lot better now, thanks for asking!:):):)

Thats good news. :):)

BTW youve been spotted 🤣🤣🤣
