I would just like to say

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I could have got a new car but I don't like modern cars!
Douglas Bader taught himself to drive a car with two walking sticks I think, maybe only one!
would be well-illegal though.
I have a mate who is a farmer who lost one leg below the knee, he drives an auto with the accelerator on the other side, but he drives a series 1 by using his left foot , the good one, to brake and work the clutch, his "peg" just works the accelerator. When stopping he pushes it out of gear with the lever, while braking. Prolly can't do that so easy with a more modern car!
Busy day …

sorted Dad at 6:30am, his carer came at 7:30am to give him breakfast and a cuppa, said he’d be back for the tea/bed call at 4:00pm

weekend carers are usually pot-luck with who you get, but this guy, Harri is a good ‘in.

lunchtime call usually 11:30 - 12:30

12:45 Dad phones me, to say when he phoned the carer hub office to ask when his lunchtime call would be, the guy said “humph, I’ll send some one around 3:00pm”

I phoned the office and it went straight to voicemail so had my rant and went to feed Dad

Had my ‘flu jab tho
Nope 49, you get an extra hour in bed.

Whats all this time and clock talk:confused:.
I gets up when I wakes up, and generally go to bed when I have finished me beer:).
I only know what the time is when I switch on the laptop/I-pad/TV. Only ever make a point of knowing what the time is if we have an appointment or something that needs watching:).

All this clock watching is for the working class:), Yep been there done that etc etc:p.

Does they not use/trust/love plastic cards like we does int uk?
Tends to be an age thing, youngies are as with it as we are, well some of us!
But you have to remember that an overdraft is a huge no no in Frogland and the oldies use their cheque books to keep a running balance, to keep themselves out of the red. you can see them doing their sums in the cheque book on the boot of the car.:rolleyes:
Possibly because we are retired we shop at the same time as them, so see more of it.
But you can use contactless etc all over the place, and fill the car up with fool. AND you get more at one go and don't have to stop and restart when you get to the equivalent of 99 sovs.
Contactless is grate ont Autoroute. Yuo whizz through the toll booths. :):)
Busy day …

sorted Dad at 6:30am, his carer came at 7:30am to give him breakfast and a cuppa, said he’d be back for the tea/bed call at 4:00pm

weekend carers are usually pot-luck with who you get, but this guy, Harri is a good ‘in.

lunchtime call usually 11:30 - 12:30

12:45 Dad phones me, to say when he phoned the carer hub office to ask when his lunchtime call would be, the guy said “humph, I’ll send some one around 3:00pm”

I phoned the office and it went straight to voicemail so had my rant and went to feed Dad
Such a shame, and can't see it gettin any better with this gubmint.:(
Whats all this time and clock talk:confused:.
I gets up when I wakes up, and generally go to bed when I have finished me beer:).
I only know what the time is when I switch on the laptop/I-pad/TV. Only ever make a point of knowing what the time is if we have an appointment or something that needs watching:).

All this clock watching is for the working class:), Yep been there done that etc etc:p.

Me too, except when I have to take pills an hour before eating!
Whats all this time and clock talk:confused:.
I gets up when I wakes up, and generally go to bed when I have finished me beer:).
I only know what the time is when I switch on the laptop/I-pad/TV. Only ever make a point of knowing what the time is if we have an appointment or something that needs watching:).

All this clock watching is for the working class:), Yep been there done that etc etc:p.

...... unless in France when we have to go out to a shop or an office as they shut for 2 hours every lunchtime.
...number of times we've been caught out!
My FL2 is 150 sovs a tyre pre covid. Same make lr fitted when new.

The wear on the same edge... was that the outer edge on all of them, or say the left edge when stood behing the car looking at all 4 tyres while fitted?

Normally onna service tyres are swapped round to even oot the wear. A cord showing on a tyre is an mot fail. Tis also a major potentual weak point for failure.

It really was a big, deep sliced cut on the inside edge but its gone now. :)
I have found that as I have got older my skin seems thinner and if I put my hand/arm in a tight space and apply pressure it brings blood to just under the surface, Sometimes it just goes back down after a few days, sometimes it can form like a blood blister. Joys of getting older:).
I suffer the same. Worst is when the doggie paws my arms to get attention (ie feed me) :(