I would just like to say

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...that Oh dear, I am in FarceBook jail. Ha! Ha!
Reason? Some bloke replied to a post of mine and called me a Nob. Which is fine, I don't care I've been called a lot worse things..
But apparently FB care that I corrected him about the spelling and that is was actually Knob (just like him) and perhaps he should have paid more attention at school.
Apparently, I was bullying this grown man and while he can call me a "Nob" I can't call him a "Knob" :rolleyes:
Its a funny old world. :) I think I will leave FB alone, they don't have an "Anything Goes" category and they have "post-police" all over the place censoring free-speech and they really don't like any saucy pictures (even if they are hilarious). :eek:

You mean TrollBook. Never use TrollBrook, it's just a platform for the disgruntled grunts of the world to voice their ineptitude. However, it's very handy for pm'ing with like minded folk...ala, Military Landy, V8Forum, Spitfire Groups and James Hunt Fan Club types/boys and girls...and, buying/selling, it great for picking things up.

Anything else, delete button works best.
...I am pleased to have done the 1st coat of paint on that final strip of the flank wall. :)
As it is so small a strip the scaffold allows me to do panels 4' x 5' and then move the scaffold along (lifting & dragging it) and do the next bit.
So it took about 80 minutes in the boiling Sun this morning to put the first coat on and I will work my way back again tomorrow morning, then put the scaffold away never to be used again in my lifetime. Ha! Ha!
Well that is at least a beginning of a result.
Hope he keeps up the payments.
How can he work if he sells his tools?
Will you still be working with him?
I think the thing he is most scared of is you blackening his name all over the place, whether that was mentioned or not.
Anyway, it must have been most satisfying for you. So good on yer, blue!:D:D:D:D:D

Yup got a wee bit further today I'll catch up on the goings on first.
I said I wouldnt take or make him sell his tools as im a fair chap, I didnt mention that as thats in the
reserve tank. Yup very satisfying. :D:D Ive never seen anyone change colour from being very tanned
to green. lol Cheers Buddy. :)
Afternoon folks:).

Another cracker of a day but down a little on the temp:).
Having a cuppa this am out on the patio and spotted some stakes (like builds pegging out stake) though WTF is this all about they come from the back corner of our plot, So after dumping the soil off the trailer in the ruts of the back driveway it was off on the quad to investigate (be nosey).
So they start at the corner of our plot and go down to the road but they dont follow the actual track line. Then off down the road and around the back of the hill, Up the hill to nearly the top then they turn and cut over the top and down tother side to the track where the goats herders place is then back into the village along the track. Stop short of getting all the way in and cuts across to the pond and carries on to the other side of our plot :eek:.
Its all very strange:confused:. There are no notices up at the office so have no idea at all. I guess it will all become obvious but right now it certainly isn't.

Apart from that I have done me days work and am now contemplating what to eat later:D.


Dig along this line for trench ?

Pipework, cable ?

Ask the neighbours ...
Ok firstly I done almost sweat f all today, wee bit of fibre glassing then just floated about from
yard to yard gassing to peeps. :D

Secondly the fridge repair dude came oot said it needed a switch to control the cold air from the
freezer into the fridge, part to come from Germany 5 weeks for it. o_O So the chap put it down as
non repairable so we is getting a noo fridge freezer like for like woohoo a new 2k fridge for FREE. :D:D
froo the insurance plan.
I nearly forgot first part of his debt has been handed over.:D
Sold it already first 2.5k knocked off.
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