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Na if it didnt belong to me id had it over, you've just reminded me a story that the muppet I work with
told me......

He had a knock at the door...indian takeaway delivery not for him but for the flat above loads of food
ah ok thanks (paid for online) opened it, him and his wife scoffed it.

Would anyone normal eat it o_O or...
I complained the other day my food was miss delivered.don’t know how they did this I live 2 doors away..
Crazy fool had gone the other way out the shop.knocked the door & left it on the door step. Licky the old biddy is deaf otherwise she would have ate it
I complained the other day my food was miss delivered.don’t know how they did this I live 2 doors away..
Crazy fool had gone the other way out the shop.knocked the door & left it on the door step. Licky the old biddy is deaf otherwise she would have ate it

They leave it on the door step haha thats mental :D