I would just like to say

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What about swapping greaser off old shaft onto new old shaft?
Thanks for this.
I had in fact already thought about doing this, but the nipple was in fact OK, it was the grease gun that was hopeless at holding the nipple and at the same time getting grease into and beyond the nipple.
After making sure the grease nipple was in fact OK, and still the gun wouldn't work with it I mucked around until I was able to make summat up.
I took one of wifey's old syringes wot she used to have to inject herself with, yonks ago.
(I never throw anything away)
The needle was no bigger than a human hair. so I put the tip of the syringe, where the needle is embedded, in a bit of paper towel with some grease round it, to catch any bits of broken glass, and used my nippers to cut the end off.
It came away surprisingly clean. So then I was able to fill the tiny syringe with grease and inject it into the hole where the nipple normally sits, both on the shaft of the prop and the U/J.
Ok so I couldn't put it in under pressure, but at least it is full of grease now.
No time to put it on so that will wait until Friday arvo now as tomoz it is market, shops, to friends for lunch then other friends for "Apéro". We think it'll be at least an Apéro dinatoire if not a full on "diner!" so tomoz should be fun.
Have ti guess the spring in the nipple is stronger than the spring in the end of the gun holding the nipple.
Might have to find myself a more up market gun! Never have this trouble in the UK.
I don't mind being alone, I would just prefer woodland rather than the coast :)
We too prefer a mountain view, of woodland, rather than a sea view. Although both are nice in their own ways.
Peeps will argue for ages the special good points of all this plus "big skies" in flat places etc etc.
Our place in the Uk is very flat and 8 miles form the sea. But near the New Forest. So there is three types for a start.
We don't go out much! But if we wanted to we'd go to the New Forest.
Here in France at 600 metres up the views are incredible and the surrounding countryside is amazing from deep gorges to wild "garrigue" with views of the Pyrenees in the distance.
What matters is that both halves of a couple can agree. And luckily we do!:):):)
Howdy all we had another scorcher, started putting sarking boards on today tis looking like
we are getting somewhere thank fook I cant wait until its wrapped up.

On another note I sold some old slates for 1500 quid today.
It was meant to be half each for my good mate :rolleyes: Lets just play him at his own game, as he asked if I could transfer him his half wot for I said...err food and fuel ect mmm little voice in my head says computer says na :D I just made a face and went pffff

He took two tables we made for the pub and hasnt passed over my 200 quid for my half :rolleyes:
guess wot the 200 quid will be taken off & the 550 will go towards the grand he owes
me for a set of gates that he took off another customer and hasnt declared yet.
I get the feeling he finks im on to him he is really quiet :D

Did I really get 1500 quid for them ;):D
Howdy all we had another scorcher, started putting sarking boards on today tis looking like
we are getting somewhere thank fook I cant wait until its wrapped up.

On another note I sold some old slates for 1500 quid today.
It was meant to be half each for my good mate :rolleyes: Lets just play him at his own game, as he asked if I could transfer him his half wot for I said...err food and fuel ect mmm little voice in my head says computer says na :D I just made a face and went pffff

He took two tables we made for the pub and hasnt passed over my 200 quid for my half :rolleyes:
guess wot the 200 quid will be taken off & the 550 will go towards the grand he owes
me for a set of gates that he took off another customer and hasnt declared yet.
I get the feeling he finks im on to him he is really quiet :D

Did I really get 1500 quid for them ;):D
Softlee, softlee, catchee monkee:D:D:D:D
I dont have the corned very often I do like it, spam im not a fan off but I have tried fried too
tisnt fur me.
Not liking spam I get.
Corned though, i can remember when it mostly came in tins and you had to feck about to get them open
But then the butcher would put a great big slab on the slicer and you could have it how ever you wanted it.
Thinking about it now I can actually smell it! (weird!).:eek::eek::eek: