I would just like to say

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Xactly, cunning as an old fox ;):D
Put on that old poker face!
I do wonder if you have a little note book in which you are writing all this down as I'd find it hard to keep track.
I went to pay a bloke €60 cash today and mysteriously found the purse I keep Frog dosh in empty. Normally there is a bit in there next to the credit card. I don't carry notes in pockets usually, or even change, as they always seem to fall out. What with not wearing a jacket over here.
In Blighty it's much easier, notes in wallet along with credit cards, coins in jacket pocket.
So it ended up costing €30 more than i wanted.:mad::mad::mad:
Wifey discussed it when I got home as usually we both know roughly where our money is, although on market days I do carry notes in a trouser pocket as you are so often paying for stuff cash. So neither of us can really account for the absence of a possible €80 odd. I said to her, "It's a good thing we aren't on the breadline as losing that amount of dosh could really hurt other peeps living near the edge."
Great we never argue about money. Couldn't stand that.:):):)
Put on that old poker face!
I do wonder if you have a little note book in which you are writing all this down as I'd find it hard to keep track.
I went to pay a bloke €60 cash today and mysteriously found the purse I keep Frog dosh in empty. Normally there is a bit in there next to the credit card. I don't carry notes in pockets usually, or even change, as they always seem to fall out. What with not wearing a jacket over here.
In Blighty it's much easier, notes in wallet along with credit cards, coins in jacket pocket.
So it ended up costing €30 more than i wanted.:mad::mad::mad:
Wifey discussed it when I got home as usually we both know roughly where our money is, although on market days I do carry notes in a trouser pocket as you are so often paying for stuff cash. So neither of us can really account for the absence of a possible €80 odd. I said to her, "It's a good thing we aren't on the breadline as losing that amount of dosh could really hurt other peeps living near the edge."
Great we never argue about money. Couldn't stand that.:):):)

Oh yes I have a diary, I take note of all the days happenings and who does what. I also have a
section in it for every lie and bullsh!te story I catch him out on. At the end of this job I will show
him I cant wait to see his face. Also im got him to pay the two labour's for last week and this
week. (smirking) ;)
Oh yes I have a diary, I take note of all the days happenings and who does what. I also have a
section in it for every lie and bullsh!te story I catch him out on. At the end of this job I will show
him I cant wait to see his face. Also im got him to pay the two labour's for last week and this
week. (smirking) ;)
Thort you might!
You strike me as a methodical sort of bloke!
He must think you are as daft as a brush. Arrogant tw@t!:):):)
Thort you might!
You strike me as a methodical sort of bloke!
He must think you are as daft as a brush. Arrogant tw@t!:):):)

You'd be right in all accounts although he wont know what has hit him in a couple of weeks
im building up to the tickly bit. I like to treat people as id like to be treated myself, im nice
to everyone from a poor soul on the streets to a millionaire. Him ffs boils my blood:mad:

On a lighter note the chap came to collect his series landy paid me double what I asked for:eek:
Said I was a super lad with blessed skills. Made me smile :D:D:D
Well... 50% of it anyway. ;)

Na if it didnt belong to me id had it over, you've just reminded me a story that the muppet I work with
told me......

He had a knock at the door...indian takeaway delivery not for him but for the flat above loads of food
ah ok thanks (paid for online) opened it, him and his wife scoffed it.

Would anyone normal eat it o_O or...
Na if it didnt belong to me id had it over, you've just reminded me a story that the muppet I work with
told me......

He had a knock at the door...indian takeaway delivery not for him but for the flat above loads of food
ah ok thanks (paid for online) opened it, him and his wife scoffed it.

Would anyone normal eat it o_O or...
I think that sums him, and his wife, up in a nutshell. :mad: