I would just like to say

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Guess what?
Wifey did it AGAIN!
she put an egg on to hard boil for the dogs and forgot.
Until I smelt it and thort it was summat else.
Caught it a bit earlier this time, so she won't have to spend quite as long cleaning up the pan.
As we were in the house I did ask her why she hadn't put the cooker's timer on.
No response!:rolleyes:
Well we have consumed far more alcohol than usual today, what wiv being invited for lunch by our Dutch friends then to "apéritif dinatoire" by some others we have just got back in.
Learned that our Dutch friends are moving house, which is nice as the one they are in at the mo isn't really what they want, and that our nearest neighbour's wife left him over a year ago, which is also interesting as he earns a packet, she was his secretary and pretty hot for her age!
You'd a thort we'd have noticed her absence but having been out of circulation for a while here plus he is about 300 yds from our place, if not more, her absence hadn't really registered.
So life moves on!
Fink I'm off to kip fairly soon.;););)
Guess what?
Wifey did it AGAIN!
she put an egg on to hard boil for the dogs and forgot.
Until I smelt it and thort it was summat else.
Caught it a bit earlier this time, so she won't have to spend quite as long cleaning up the pan.
As we were in the house I did ask her why she hadn't put the cooker's timer on.
No response!:rolleyes:

Give the dogs raw eggs they likes them just as much:).

I would make a joke about wimmins and kitchens but that would be a bit Insensitive. You need to keep an eye on her Stan:(. your gonna run out of pans if she keeps on like this:eek:(sorry:D:D).

Move your seating arrangement, start sitting at the kitchen table more for your cuppas. Talk to her.

Give the dogs raw eggs they likes them just as much:).

I would make a joke about wimmins and kitchens but that would be a bit Insensitive. You need to keep an eye on her Stan:(. your gonna run out of pans if she keeps on like this:eek:(sorry:D:D).

Move your seating arrangement, start sitting at the kitchen table more for your cuppas. Talk to her.

The pans are all stainless steel so can look after themselves.
Normally in the kitchen she is ace.
We do have cuppas and I do talk to her. In fact it is a standing joke that she has made me about 5 cups of tea or coffee in my life with her as it is always me who makes them and ensures her hydration level is OK.
She just forgot, again.
She won't do it again I don't think.
It is just that we had had a good lunch and I think she fell asleep on the sofa while I was on here! (I can't see through the back of the sofa from where I use my laptop.);):)
The pans are all stainless steel so can look after themselves.
Normally in the kitchen she is ace.
We do have cuppas and I do talk to her. In fact it is a standing joke that she has made me about 5 cups of tea or coffee in my life with her as it is always me who makes them and ensures her hydration level is OK.
She just forgot, again.
She won't do it again I don't think.
It is just that we had had a good lunch and I think she fell asleep on the sofa while I was on here! (I can't see through the back of the sofa from where I use my laptop.);):)

Why didn’t you say she was ****sed would of been so much easier to understand :D.

I am sure you said she wouldn’t do it again last time;).

Do you get to full speed ahead captain, and run it up the beach as far as possible at high tide? like they do in some places:D.


No not quite we cut all the main super structure off along side the pier, then take the guts out
& then drag it up the slip way at high tides and slice it up bit by bit....
2016-10-29 11.44.13.jpg
2016-10-29 11.44.13.jpg



Tide came in rapid and it didnt float haha :D:D
Heevnin ol,
Weerrl, Shimmy dint turn up, so the leftover pizzas went ome wif whoever wanted em, ergo plenny well fed rug rats hereabouts this evenin. :)
Why'd they makes a pizza a regular fella carnt finishes em though? :rolleyes:
(@Shimsteriom excluded, obverously, he int normal.. free legs an all that :p)
There was loads left, even the usually reliable workshop gannet was beat :oops:

Anyway, has been a very long week, an I is..

Out :)
Weerrl, Shimmy dint turn up, so the leftover pizzas went ome wif whoever wanted em, ergo plenny well fed rug rats hereabouts this evenin. :)
Why'd they makes a pizza a regular fella carnt finishes em though? :rolleyes:
(@Shimsteriom excluded, obverously, he int normal.. free legs an all that :p)
There was loads left, even the usually reliable workshop gannet was beat :oops:

Anyway, has been a very long week, an I is..

Out :)
I'm here now.... shirly there must be some slices left over...... you lot can't have eated it all..... :eek: