I would just like to say

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Travelled most of the country & it’s only Wednesday.
Now I hope you are all enjoying the sun. I would say relax but some of you push these boundaries.
Be safe and enjoy today.
If you are coming this way, please bring the sun back!
I am pushing the boundaries today by doing very little apart from breathing ;)
Guid afternoon
What a cracking day
After spending 5 hours yesterday scraping walls at the wife's pal's having a me time day today.
Just arrived back from a blast down to Largs on the Aprilia absolutely brilliant ride and adrenaline rush.
Will just chill out in the garden this afternoon and hit the gym tonight
This is what early retirement is all about.......
Got back from Labastide-Rouairoux having picked up that front prop and some free wheel nuts. €90, for secondhand.:rolleyes:
Had a longish chat while he showed me round his collection of Dolomite Sprints, which is his thang!
Have to admit he has some very special ones, some he's done up, some he has left as found, he told me if I had hung on to the one i had, that, as it was a very early one, it'd be worth shedloads now.:rolleyes:
He has a rallied one on the ramp, which he is working one. No rust whatsoever but needing mechanicals.

Anyway, on the way out I told him about my worries over the Thrum Thrum thing, and we discussed wheel bearings. According to him, you cannot test a TD5 Disco's wheel bearing on the car. Told him i had replaced one recently and he asked me how many miles I'd done on it as it was an aftermarket one. He said it could possibly be that that is playing up, as he feels all aftermarket ones are pretty much rubbish, he offered to flog me a secondhand genuine LR one, to carry around as a spare in case it went on me before we get back to the UK. We went and had a look at his stock and found a good one. So i bought it €90 AGAIN!
I may be a total mug here. Lord knows. Sign of me not being at home in the UK.
There I have a perfectly good one I took off to then replace with the aftermarket new one, after a so called LR garage (indy) diagnosed the wrong wheel sensor. So after I replaced the correctly diagnosed wrong one, with a secondhand one :rolleyes:
So don't know if I've done the right thing, but at the end of the day spares are spares, and tend to come in useful. :rolleyes:
so this affo I'll be putting the "new" prop on and seeing if that gets rid of the noise. It sure as sh!t can't do any harm.:):):)
Bonne continuation mes amis!
Afternoon Folks:).

Yep, I am having that retyred problem again, "it can get done tomorrow" again just bimbled and stayed cool today.
Must try and get a burst of enthusiasm tomorrow:D.

We have just been discussing eating a vegetarian.

So steak is is:D.

Enjoy the rest of your day:).
