I would just like to say

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Oh dear that must be very disappointing indeed. He's not the one you treated to a very expensive Estwing hammer is he? :(
I admire your ability to refrain from breaking his face/arms/legs.
5 and a half grand is a lot to pocket from a business partner, I would be absolutely steaming.
The thing is once a trust is broken it can never, ever be repaired.
I'd be steaming too.
Trust is a weird thing. My uncle in Canada had a business with a partner who eventually ripped him off too. (Boiler testing).
Not funny when you have a wife and kids to keep.
I'd be very interested in why he did it.
And how he ever thought he'd get away with it.
And I don't think @kevstar is someone I'd want to cross in a hurry.
All very weird. Maybe he's up to his ears in debt, on the QT.
All we can do is support Kev, from a distance.:(:(:(
And I don't think @kevstar is someone I'd want to cross in a hurry.
I reckon he's just a big pussycat

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Thanks very much, Mate!
She is OK today apart from looking like she has done a round with Mohammed Ali!
She was doing something she shouldn't have been doing and will not do it again.
She tripped over part of the tie down stuff for the pool cover, which is my job to take off and put back.
My DVT is getting better and is almost back to normal. I don't even notice it any more.
You look after yourself too!:):):)

When my misses had a bruised face caused by the dog, I was wondering if people would think
that id done it. :eek: Good to here your on the mend your poor wife having to put up with you :p:D
Only kidding I wish her a speedy recovery. ;)
Feel for you mate.
Gave it a bit of thort and came to the conclusion it can go one of two ways, either a severe telling off, a financial settle up and him being told this is the last time you ever try and pull a stunt like that, and if you do you are down the road and, as you said, you' won't work round here again.
OR you skip all this , get your dosh off him and send him down the road after telling him why.
It all depends on whether you think he could ever be trusted again.

Bloody shame as I got the impression you both got on well.
Very like the story of that MOT tester I told you all about. Altho he had actually broken the law and left his employer very nearly in deep do-dos.
Hope you will be as "happy" as you can be with the outcome whatever you do.:(:(:(:(

I will just crack on and be my happy little (dont laugh) self, the old saying you can watch a thief but
not a liar he is both. I couldnt trust him its not the first thing ive caught him out on but I have not said
anything on that either. I was letting the sleeping dog lie (literally) I just gave him enough rope to hang
Oh dear that must be very disappointing indeed. He's not the one you treated to a very expensive Estwing hammer is he? :(
I admire your ability to refrain from breaking his face/arms/legs.
5 and a half grand is a lot to pocket from a business partner, I would be absolutely steaming.
The thing is once a trust is broken it can never, ever be repaired.

Yup tis knocked the wind out me a bit. :( yup he's the lad I got the ammer :mad:
maybe it should go missing ;) I am a bit more chilled out these days a few years ago
I wouldnt have given a second though of sorting him out. The misses is surprized I havent
done just that. The trust is gone as you say.