Sounds as if your day has started off as well as mine BUT mine went even worse!
The first place I came to had a road closure with 'diversion' signs.

Being rural you can only imagine the huge detour going further and further north before meeting the trunk north south road -Welshpool to Newtown. Half an hour later and I am back on track approaching the Newtown bypass until STOP! A major smash, fortunately no-one seriously injured I was told even though one of the cars had almost been demolished, but so far, none of the emergency services had arrived on scene. A local was doing his best to advise the already huge tailbacks that it looks as if a three hour wait would be ahead. The nearest detour? Yes, turn round and go north - again, giving way to a police vehicle making its way through the enormous queue on the single carriageway, before doing a few country lanes off east and then turning south again. I would not have been able to do this with the 'van attached!
Eventually, I have arrived home having done a one and a half hour journey in three and a half hours. My canines had given up and used a folded towel in their compartment for the essential porta potty. Good thinking really.
I have now decided not to return tonight as that would be a bit cruel for the dogs - two long journeys in one day.
Can you beat that for 'adventure'?