I would just like to say

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Morning All :D
Cold but no frost nor Snow here. :)
While it is still dry I think we should get the new ply sheets inside and start putting the featheredge siding on my little building. :)
Panic news from my son's last night, they have noticed hairline cracks here and there on the ceiling (along board seams) and where the 6Metre steel beams are boxed in.
This is coincident with Thom visiting last week and saying to my Son that he was surprised there were no settlement cracks after all this time and with such an extensive re-modelling having been done (focused their minds to start actually looking instead of staring into their mobile phones maybe?).
I have seen some pictures and I am sure it is just settlement as the building relaxes after the build all those months ago; and I have suggested he should put some dot-markers on across the "cracks" and take a measure every day/week to keep an eye on it. They are all hairline, none are jagged, nothing you could even slip a fingernail into. My son is panicking (driven by his wife).
Tom is going to go round and take a look this morning before he joins me here. I will wait to hear what he thinks.
Have a great day everyone. :D
Well folks, I have concluded that my choice of mid-Wales for the van's first outing was a mistake! :( After travelling through some blizzardous conditions yesterday to get 'ere, you would think that it should not have come as a surprise to wake up and find several inches of snow on the ground this morning.

The dogs enjoyed their early morning run in the snow even if I didn't, but worse was to come - no teabags, left them at home on the kitchen table, no clothes other than the ones I stand up in, left them on the bed at home after carefully selecting an appropriate choice for all weathers. The fact that I had packed my night clothes was a stroke of luck so only discovered the lack of everything else when I went to get dressed this morning, fortunately, I didn't meet anyone on the dog trip or they would have wondered at the strange smell was that was permeating the air, I must have got side-tracked during the packing. :rolleyes: You won't need two guesses as to what I am going to have to do today, it's a good job it's less than a couple of hours journey without the van. The only redeeming thing is that I will have a bath at home before returning to my winter wonderland.

It is very, very quiet 'ere at the moment but things will change today as there is going to be the big invasion of the Englanders who have today been released from their captivity and allowed over the border - 9 today and 8 tomorrow - I know how they feel.:)

Enjoy your first day Shimmy but don't work too hard.:D ££££'s is what count.
Guid morn

Another week of furlough begins, although in office tomorrow and Wednesday for a couple of hours meetings.

Its a cracking day, despite it only being 4 degrees at present, clear blue skies all day is the forecast, but not yet taps aff.

Perhaps have a crawl under the Defender and spot any areas that are in need of TLC (Some brake lines were showing some rust as advised on last MOT)

Eye has bin using the same paint brush fer over a year now. Painted all the under coat and gloss ont the 3 doors eye made. Every layer. Lost a lot if hair over time but it be still ok.

Ter day when eye went ter gerrim from his yogurt pot he be dried up un dead. Tis such a shame. He has given loyal service beyond the call of duty. Often wurkin late when needed. He will be a sad loss to the team.
You can get brush restorer.
One you've used tons will always give a better finish.
I wouldn't throw it out just yet. What was it used for last? i.e. what would be the solvent base, white spirit?
Well folks, I have concluded that my choice of mid-Wales for the van's first outing was a mistake! :( After travelling through some blizzardous conditions yesterday to get 'ere, you would think that it should not have come as a surprise to wake up and find several inches of snow on the ground this morning.

The dogs enjoyed their early morning run in the snow even if I didn't, but worse was to come - no teabags, left them at home on the kitchen table, no clothes other than the ones I stand up in, left them on the bed at home after carefully selecting an appropriate choice for all weathers. The fact that I had packed my night clothes was a stroke of luck so only discovered the lack of everything else when I went to get dressed this morning, fortunately, I didn't meet anyone on the dog trip or they would have wondered at the strange smell was that was permeating the air, I must have got side-tracked during the packing. :rolleyes: You won't need two guesses as to what I am going to have to do today, it's a good job it's less than a couple of hours journey without the van. The only redeeming thing is that I will have a bath at home before returning to my winter wonderland.

It is very, very quiet 'ere at the moment but things will change today as there is going to be the big invasion of the Englanders who have today been released from their captivity and allowed over the border - 9 today and 8 tomorrow - I know how they feel.:)

Enjoy your first day Shimmy but don't work too hard.:D ££££'s is what count.
Glad you made it safely:):):)