I would just like to say

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Painted me 8x4 ply wood all over wiv under coat terday. Plus one side hadda secund coat.

Where me door bolts have squashed the wood it has cut inter me paint and yer can see fresh wood. Eye has had the nuts oft un purra bit of under coat ont. Let it dry un put me big washers ont ter spread the pressure. It worked but me doors be 1mm more apart now. Messed about wivvit but it be no good. Gonner cut the bolt oles 1mm biggerer side ways instead.
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Thanks. It's not off to a good start as I've been given a laptop and told to work from home.
I'm not complaining as it'll save fuel but I have no idea what they expect me to do. o_O

So I guess we will see you tomorrow normal place, normal time. It’s just another Saturday anyway, but you will be earning some money for the piggy bank:D.

I'm sat in a farm yard waiting for a low loader that I know won't be able to recover me

As the spring has snapped and the axle is only secure on one side and I'm part way through turning a 90° bend:rolleyes:
Eye has bin using the same paint brush fer over a year now. Painted all the under coat and gloss ont the 3 doors eye made. Every layer. Lost a lot if hair over time but it be still ok.

Ter day when eye went ter gerrim from his yogurt pot he be dried up un dead. Tis such a shame. He has given loyal service beyond the call of duty. Often wurkin late when needed. He will be a sad loss to the team.