Update on tonight's progress.
Stripped the new engine down. It's in great condition, thanks Glenn. Piston Rings and Bearing Shells are just starting to show signs of wear. So it's new rings, Bearings, Valve Seals, Oil Seals, Gearbox Seals, full gasket set. All the bits will arrive on Monday, then it's full steam ahead, rebuild and get it back working again. The Southdown Snorkel kit arrived today, it really is a quality piece of kit, I'm going to polish the Stainless Steel Pipe, turn it into a bit of a blindspot mirror.
Stripped the new engine down. It's in great condition, thanks Glenn. Piston Rings and Bearing Shells are just starting to show signs of wear. So it's new rings, Bearings, Valve Seals, Oil Seals, Gearbox Seals, full gasket set. All the bits will arrive on Monday, then it's full steam ahead, rebuild and get it back working again. The Southdown Snorkel kit arrived today, it really is a quality piece of kit, I'm going to polish the Stainless Steel Pipe, turn it into a bit of a blindspot mirror.