OK so this has got me thinking that maybe there should be something more complete and user friendly out there... app wise.
What features do you think are missing or limiting within TW2? What would you like to see implemented if there was to be a new app?
A downloadable app would be great instead of a webpage that logs you as soon as you leave.
That would make it much easier to use on mobile devices. Downloadable maps would also be great. As often in the wilderness phone signal is poor.
I understand there is likely a cost angle here. But I find OpenStreetMaps the map supplier to not really be suitable. The searching is terrible. Many small Welsh towns and villages are not findable with the search. Even if the map is showing them at the time!!!! This makes it infuriating to use as you have to manually roam the map to find places.
On this note, there is now way to search for lane names. Despite a name often being shown when you click on a lane.
A lot more could be done with the search features, such as:
- make it easy to exclude lanes with TRO in place. Not only the search, but filter for the map to make it easier to see lanes.
-filter/search for lanes suitable for 4x4’s as some are only suitable for motorbikes.
-search/filter lanes with no comments (exclude from results) or only show lanes with comments of X age type of thing.
-search and filter on fords and water crossings. Some will want to do these, while some vehicle types/owners may wish to avoid.
Other improvements. The comments section holds handy info. But you need to sign up and login with a different account to what you use to access trail wise!!!! This should be seamless.
If going app based there also needs to be the ability to plan a route. Lots of tools around this such as allowing you to maybe add a start and finish location and getting the app to auto suggest a route that you can then modify and save.
Routes should be shareable and reusable.
As well as allowing you to record the route you actually drive. Giving the ability to separate the lanes from regular roads. Recording where driven on a lane could help feedback where the lane diverts from the official route.
Icing on the cake could be highlights and info of popular and well known lanes. Such as types of hazards, views, difficulty or recommended vehicle types/sizes. Max altitude etc etc.