1. aquaplane

    parkwood event 14th july

    I'm thinking of going to one of the monthly events but I don't know what to do about this: "You will need to have experience of performing a failed hill climb! you will be asked to sign upon entry to confirm that you have off road driving experience!" I'm assuming it's using engine braking in...
  2. aquaplane

    Disco 1 speedometer

    Bloody thing started working again on the way home, I hate intermittent faults. It's funny 'coz it seems a lot further to go to work than it does to come home but it was 'tuther way round today?????
  3. aquaplane

    Disco 1 speedometer

    I like this forum, my speedo and odometer stopped this morning, no bouncing about or warning, and a quick search and I know where to look and how much it may cost me. I'm a bit concerned about one of the other threads that came up though, the AA not giving cover if the speedo isn't working...
  4. aquaplane

    36mm spanner in winchester??

    I'm fairly sure it says 32mm on the one I bought, I could be wrong though.
  5. aquaplane

    300tdi cold starting

    You sure it's a leisure battery? They are normally built to run the domestics in a caravan/boat and will deliver power slowly for a long time (days), as in running the lights etc. A cranking battery is designed to give loads of amps for a short time (30 secs or so) to turn over an engine. They...
  6. aquaplane

    Why are wading kits so bloody expensive?

    Just out of interest, with all these breathers going up to roof level, do you drive in trunks? How much water comes in? I realise it depends how deep you go and for how long but a rough guestimate works for me.
  7. aquaplane

    Landrovers in general.

    Stilton and wallnuts on a rump steak, a bit extravigant for a Thursday night but it was magic, chips and salad with it. The soup was Tuesday IIRC. A bit of stilton mixed in with mature cheddar on toast is OK, on it's own it's a bit much. I keep my stilton in the sideboard, it's getting a bit...
  8. aquaplane

    Top speed?

    What Buckshot said. It'll trundle along nicely @ 60 all day. I was coming off Beatock downhill when the speed got up a bit and I could feel it wasn't as comfy going that fast, slowed it down to 60 and it was fine and dandy. Of course cat like reflexes help ;) Or they would if I had them.:doh:
  9. aquaplane

    Top speed?

    I had mine creep up over 65 once untill I noticed and lifted off a bit, it's a bugger with an extra couple of tonne of boat on the back. I usually try to keep it about the same speed as the lorries when towing but don't prat about if I'm passing one. I think I've done about 75 but normally...
  10. aquaplane

    serpintine belt

    I found this thread useful when I was doing my P gasket, serpentine belt had to come off for that: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f49/p-gasket-renewal-how-91258.html
  11. aquaplane

    Diff Lock doesn't engage.

    Thanks for that James. Yep S reg 300TDi, manual box. Now I know what I'm looking for I have a better chance of fixing it. I've been looking for a link to a manual and most of the links on here seem to be broken. I just found the Rave manual, though not much in it about linkages. I'll...
  12. aquaplane

    Diff Lock doesn't engage.

    I had my Disco gear lever out over the holidays and while I was in there I had a play with the diff lock linkage. All the time I have has the car (nearly a year now) I have never had the diff lock light come on. The little bolt on top of the linkage was floppy so I tightened that up to...
  13. aquaplane

    TD5 R380 Gear Selector Ball

    As said by gerryc, top posts. My already difficult gear change became almost impossible on the way back from the outlaws day after boxing day. The black plastic bit in post 10 only had 4 lugs on it and 2 more were cracked and broke off when I played with them. I put it back together and...
  14. aquaplane

    300 Tdi oil pressure warning light on warm engine

    The 10-30 oil is what's specified in my handbook so that shouldn't be the problem, I'm not saying it isn't, but I don't think it should be. It's been OK with that oil during the summer too, why play up now as it's cooling off, don't make sense to me. The filter is one I got from Paddocks so...
  15. aquaplane

    300 Tdi oil pressure warning light on warm engine

    Mornin all, the oil warning light on my S reg Discovery 300Tdi, 122000 miles, has started flickering at tickover, but only when the engine is warm. I'm using Millers Oils 10-30 (IIRC) and it's only 1500 miles since it was changed. I have topped it up to the top mark on the dipstick to make...
  16. aquaplane

    how long has the tdi got?

    I can see the point in trying to improve new cars but recon that older cars should have "Grandfather rights", ie they can keep going as long as they can be kept roadworthy. Scrapping perfectly good, or even clapped out bangers, using a green arguement doesn't make any sense to me.
  17. aquaplane

    Can I put disco 2 side steps on a disco 1?

    I have one of these:
  18. aquaplane

    Central locking

    So broken springs are a problem on the D1 not on the D2 which is what I was trying to say, thanks for that.
  19. aquaplane

    Central locking

    Did they cure the D1 broken spring problem on the D2 then?
  20. aquaplane

    Would you stop and help!!!

    It depends on if it's safe as much as owt. I pulled up to offer an extinguisher to a Shogun on an M1 sliproad but it was well ablaze and the driver thought the fire service would be there soon so I left them to it. I saw a Landy at the side of the A62 @ Cooper Bridge a few nights ago and was...