I've stopped several time's mainly for pre 98' Landy's, or if I see a woman with kids broken down ... but never for the bling bling boy's in their new RR's though!

People always seem so shocked when you offer help though.
I probably would have stopped, unless you look more of a beardy rapist than I do. I'd still have stopped if it was a brand new Rangie etc, just to **** em off.......:D, but, having the bonnet up would definatley have helped, unless you're too girlie to be able to lift it.........:eek:
I even stop over here in the land of Po, the language barrier is a bit of a killer but landy to landy they seem to understand, dont bother with normal cars unless we are talking bird with kids or just stuck in the snow then i will always offer at least a tow out or whatever i can.

I have stopped for other obviously prepped off roaders no matter the marque, yes i am a landy fan but i think foremost i am an off roader with a love of landies.

Bonnet up is indeed the clue though, even i knew it was my brakes or other under body problem then i would still stick my bonnet up if i was desperate for help.
Best stop for me was when I finished up towing a 1920's vintage Roller from the middle of nowhere to the nearest town so that he could ring the dealer for recovery.

After being told that he would have to wait until Monday he asked if I would be prepared to tow him home ... about a 90 mile round trip!

My Series I duly did the deed and I was rewarded with a slap-up meal prepared by his wife and a couple of hundred quid, which I found in an envelope on the passenger seat, along with a note of thanks.

It was a few days later that I found out that he was the boss of one of the biggest companies in the world!

Most recent was for a young lady and child. After letting her use my phone to call her husband, then towing them to safety, she asked if I would have stopped had she been on her own, I said yes, I would, especially if there are children involved.

So in answer to the question, yes, I will stop if something seems to be wrong and I am in a position to help out..
yes i have stopped a few times in the past to help other motorists. last one was a young woman with her daughter, only a puncture but was on a very steep hill with some very nasty bends so got them moving again within 15 minutes. turned out her husband was out serving in afganistan so was'nt about to help and she was disabled so unable to lift the spare outta the boot. thanked me for my help and drove away. :)

one before that was a copper with a 3 car smash. he said he could'nt open the road for at least 3 hours until a police 4x4 or recovery arrived to move the cars. so offered my help again all 3 cars removed into a layby and road open within 30 minutes. copper took my details and i got a letter for the super intendent thanking me for my assistance. :D feels good to get some praise for owing a 4x4 for a change instead of peeps moaning about the pollution.
yep always stop and help/tow if its a series or 90/110, as an ex greenflag roadside mechanic i can usually get it going or recover SAFELY.
BUT be very wary of stoping and helping any old motorist, even if they have tits, organised gangs are now common place all over the country, they stick a nice bird in a motor on a quiet bit of road with the bonnet up waiting for someone to stop and help, as soon as you are out of your car 3 or 4 big blokes jump out from nowhere and you end up minus your car, wallet, mobile and often gain a spell in a + e.
It depends on if it's safe as much as owt.
I pulled up to offer an extinguisher to a Shogun on an M1 sliproad but it was well ablaze and the driver thought the fire service would be there soon so I left them to it.
I saw a Landy at the side of the A62 @ Cooper Bridge a few nights ago and was passed it before I knew where I was. The driver was on the phone so I thought he must have it in hand. Apart from owt else there is nowhere to pull off safely before the 3 Nuns and the traffic is bonkers.
I would definately stop, and often do as i would hope if i broke down someone would help me too, stopped for a triumph stag this very morning bloddy heavy to push on to a sloping drive lol
I always stop if the person looks vunerable (I don't mean special!).
It helps if you are female and obviously broken down.
I've picked up any amount of hitch hikers - some of them look as bloody scruffy as assholes, but with the exception of one (dragged out the van by the scruff and told to #@x# off!) they have brightened my day. You do need some air freshener with you though!!
I just hope if my daughter or old man was in a pickle someone would help.:)
A lady pulled into the carpark opposite my house a few months back in some snobby mercedes fake 4x4 thing with a flat tyre whilst i was doing some work on a car outside my house. Her husband turns up a little later in "the jag" and she goes off in it. When i finished I strolled over there and offered to change the tyre for them. Man refuses helping saying he's phoned the AA. Being a sunday afternoon this wasnt exactly a high priority case so i did have a little chuckle when he was still waiting almost 2 hours later :D:D
yep always stop and help/tow if its a series or 90/110, as an ex greenflag roadside mechanic i can usually get it going or recover SAFELY.
BUT be very wary of stoping and helping any old motorist, even if they have tits, organised gangs are now common place all over the country, they stick a nice bird in a motor on a quiet bit of road with the bonnet up waiting for someone to stop and help, as soon as you are out of your car 3 or 4 big blokes jump out from nowhere and you end up minus your car, wallet, mobile and often gain a spell in a + e.

So what do you reckon the statistical likelihood of this happening is compared to.....say......being struck by lightening? :doh::rolleyes:
Depends on what vehicle, Into VWs and used to have several and have stoped several times when i have seen bays, splits and beetles on the side of the road. Now i would do the same for them and some landys. Saw a new pure white sport on the side with a nice trail of oil comming from it, Did i stop Did i fook, 15 mins earlier he was driving like a loon lane changing trying to intimidate ( didnt work with me im taller than him and got so many dings i wouldnt notice one added by a sport !!! ) TBH i see more french hatchs on the road side than anything and personaly i think they should be crushed :)
i wouldve stopped if i too were in a rover, as i would have a tolol kit and a strap in the boot, dont forget many people just buy rovers and have no idea about them , also many people buy chelsea tractors and they got bullied for it so instead of buyng another one they bought a defender or a disco because they are actually compatant off road, but they have no intention of using its even on a grassy verge lol. i find that most landy owners are plenty helpful enough and the last 3 winters has proven that time again. alternatively he may not have had a chance to pull over to help there are many things that couldve kept them driving.hope ya got it fixed in the end though
I would stop to offer what help I could,but then you(they)would see my landie and tell me to sod off!!!:D
Always stop to offer help if we can - always taught the kids that when someone is in trouble, then you help them if you can. The wife has got used to me being hours late because someone I have never met has a problem I have nothing to do with...

I agree that you do need to be sensible though. Just as it might be risky for us to get out to help someone we do not know... it may well be intimidating for a poor broken down young girl to see two burly great blokes striding toward her car... especially when they are covered in muck and grime from a day's spannering.
I always stop if the person looks vunerable (I don't mean special!).
It helps if you are female and obviously broken down.
I've picked up any amount of hitch hikers - some of them look as bloody scruffy as assholes, but with the exception of one (dragged out the van by the scruff and told to #@x# off!) they have brightened my day. You do need some air freshener with you though!!
I just hope if my daughter or old man was in a pickle someone would help.:)
had a larf at your "old man" bit...
as I`m an "old man" to 3 "middle aged`ish" kids, i still stop to help If I can.
being one of those dam august tourists to ryde most years on scoots,
I/we are well used to stopping for lambrettas (ouch)
as a D1 doosel owner,
who has No1 son and friends into scooters & all traditional V-dubbs, I also get used to stopping & helping when passenger on V-Dub ride outs too.
It was the same when I used to race bangers, see someone stopped, you stop & offer help.
I offer help,
but today i had to just offer "guidence" to a neighbour who asked me to drop his gearbox out of a 04 plate TD1 transit, I lent my big trolley jack & big ramps, help by guidance only..why? coz its cold, and I`m old, and i cannot see myself doing a clutch on a dual mass flywheel doosel front wheel drive transit if he paid me!
But, brake down and if i can help/tow you to safety, I will.
It was the thing you were taught way back all them years ago..
(but I do have an all cover RAC card) just incase no bastid stops for me..:D.lol

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