
Lord Hippo
…popped in ta av a look un see what you’s lot get up to. Been in the tratter boy section watching them fix their biscuit tins fer the last week. Bit drafty. Damp too. Seems you lot are much betterer off wiff yer wall to wall leffer, and electric arm chairs. :5bseeya:
Mind you on a day like today a Lightweight or an old Series with the roof off could be more fun.

But for the other 364 days,

I'll stick to my Rangie!

Yer lucky yer dun't get the tratter boys in ere. Half of them tend to live on the Freelander forum and go out of their way to spoil it for us. Spent last week wiff them on their forum. Bit of a **** hole to say the least. Was warned to wipe me shoe's on the way out. Became an honorary member in there too.

Interesting reading over ere. You lot seem to have sussed out most of the faults wiff classics and P38's. Do many of you use the hawkeye for diagnostics? I've got one for me Freelander. Just wondering.
Well I have ta say I does feel quite at home in ere. Leffer seats, heater that works, head gaskets failing, loads of electrical faults too. Didn’t realise Range Rover’s had so much in common wiff Freelanders. Which int a surprise as Freelander 1’s dun’t half look like P38’s. Seems you lot wiff petrol v8’s get similar mpg to my v6 Freelander. Bit of a bugger wiff the fuel price going up. But ah suppose you lot have got crafty accountants which fiddle yer receipts. ;)

Think I’ll just sit by the fire and relax. Arctic roll fer supper too. Ta very much. You lot don’t half know how ta treat yourselves. :)

Yer lucky yer dun't get the tratter boys in ere. Half of them tend to live on the Freelander forum and go out of their way to spoil it for us. Spent last week wiff them on their forum. Bit of a **** hole to say the least. Was warned to wipe me shoe's on the way out. Became an honorary member in there too.

Interesting reading over ere. You lot seem to have sussed out most of the faults wiff classics and P38's. Do many of you use the hawkeye for diagnostics? I've got one for me Freelander. Just wondering.

We got proper tratters wiv 6 cylinder tratter motors.:p:p:p
Hawkeye he no see BECM ECU.:eek:
they got VCU's anorl :eek:.
Nice ta see you in ere MHM. Have some arctic roll. :D Just visiting the different forums on ere, seeing whats going on.

Do they have the same problems Freelander owners have wiff vcu's seizing up? I knew classic's had em, but don't know if P38's have em too? Is it the same set-up as per the wonderful Freelander transmission, where the vcu is between both props?
nope VCU is inside gear(Transfer) box on rangies.


been thinking about yo pm's.
I am of the opinion, having given it some considerable thought that any VCU check using the rear wheel is prone to failure.
if you take into account any rear diff tightness, bearing friction, brakes binding, etc it is difficult to determine where any stiffness might be, let alone use it as a check on a VCU.
I think the only check that would be realistic, would be one that attaches to the rear of the VCU and which uses a spring balance to pull down a lever.
wow someone in a Gaylander pointing fingers!!

he he he!

honestly mate if someone offered me a Range Rover Sport Projekt Kahn to drive a Freelander for a year i wouldnt!! id be better off writing a statement down the side of my range rover how i have chosen to support the devil and prefer men over women and all that...! that would still be less embarrassing to drive than a Freelander!!

But hey welcome to the Range Rover forum.....! lol
...been thinking about yo pm's...
Yes I can appreciate diff problems or brakes playing up could interfere wiff the results. When I did my tests I lifted the 2 rear wheels, and spun one rear wheel to check the other one also turned, easily. Hence no brake problems etc before the test. Just seemed logical at the time. When ever mines in the air, it’s something I do just in case I spot something.

Have had a number of peeps contact me via pm on ere, and the other forum, as well as Youtube, asking for advice. Seems not many understand the one wheel up test. Seems to easy when you look at yer pic’s wiff the discription. Far too many have tried it wiff the hand brake on. Some have tried it wiff 2 wheels lifted. Others haven’t lifted a wheel. Some can’t work out how the bar is attached to the wheel. It’s got to the stage am thinking of creating a video to show how to set up the test. Me foreign languages int too good either. So that means yer pic’s is the only way forward to tell em what ta do. Words fail me sometimes. Especially the one who used an empty container as weight.

Still think the wheel winch test is a good idea. Just check wheels spin ok first, and measure wheel diameter, plus know the diff ratio, and off set these into the results. We’ll always have some factor of error. Providing and understanding it is the key me thinks.
If yu use the wheel, the only realistic way of doing it is with a bar and a spring balance, to offset variable torque values, or with a "twin lever" torque wrench, not weights as you pointed out.

a WHAT! - an empty can :doh::wtf::hysterically_laughi
wow someone in a Gaylander pointing fingers!!

he he he!

honestly mate if someone offered me a Freelander, I'd ditch me rangie...

But hey welcome to the Range Rover forum.....! lol
At last one of em bites. Took yer time. Was a lot easier in the durdy tratter boy section.

Got a P38 myself. 4.6HSE. It’s a metal cast model thing about 10 inches long. Quite life like too. Racing green. Beige leffer interior. Fails to start. Electrics don’t work. Been off the road longer than I remember. Don’t think it’ll ever work. :D

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