I thought I'd have a look in ere to see whats going on. Read the first 3 pages. Seems you tratter boys have the same faults as Freelamder do, minus the electrical items. Whilst here I thought I'd start me own fred, and post some ****e. Tis what the tratter boys do in the Freelander forum. But things progressed from there, when I realised me mate Gratch is in ere. May have to visit more often from now on. :)
Yer always welcome in here Hippo. Maybe you can bring a couple of other gaylanderers with ya next time, show them the real world, get 'em out of the safe cocoon that's the gaylander section.
Thanks Gratch. Yer new title looks good. Bet yer well pleased wiff it.

I'll just put some photo's up ta make it feel a bit like home. I see you's lot have yer own comfy arm chairs. I'll bring me own next time I stop by. :)


2350 I21Afly

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Thanks Gratch. Yer new title looks good. Bet yer well pleased wiff it.

I'll just put some photo's up ta make it feel a bit like home. I see you's lot have yer own comfy arm chairs. I'll bring me own next time I stop by. :)

comfy chairs??? someone must have brought them over from the RR section ;)

aye yer always welcome in the real land rover section hippo :) we dunt have leffer arm rests in ere though :p
:wtf: ive fallen off bigger kerbs than that photo......:eek: is that a BMX track?????

Defender envy!!!
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What next, RR boys coming over ****ing about that we don't have seats that wipe are arses :p You should stay Hippo, take a seat and enjoy the taste of our beer :beer2: Non of that poofter cocktail drink you have over in the gaylander bar :D
What next, RR boys coming over ****ing about that we don't have seats that wipe are arses :p You should stay Hippo, take a seat and enjoy the taste of our beer :beer2: Non of that poofter cocktail drink you have over in the gaylander bar :D

think they would be more ****ed to find that lots of their precious classics have been robbed of their seats and fitted into durdy tratters ;)
think they would be more ****ed to find that lots of their precious classics have been robbed of their seats and fitted into durdy tratters ;)
Haha, well we can't be ashamed of liking a bit of comfort in our defenders! I say let them bitch moan and complain, but we are not giving up our RR classic seats! :D
Yep I is here to stay. Stopped off this morning on the way to work and left me arm chair by the fire place. Swept the floor too cuz it looked like it hadn't been done since you lot last had a bath. As for the rr boys, will be visiting them soon. :)
There are a couple Freelanders on the island.

They are all parked along side the road broken down.

Heeps of ****e.............
Haha, well we can't be ashamed of liking a bit of comfort in our defenders! I say let them bitch moan and complain, but we are not giving up our RR classic seats! :D

I'll gladly give up my classics driving seat, it's fooked and I need a new one. Hint hint anyone.:);)

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