Are we talking standard disco 1 and 2 here - or the bodged and buggered versions with a **** load of crap hanging off them like mine?
Any D1 or D2 regardless of it being looked after, or ragged orf road. Naturally we can't include D3 and D4, as they is betterer un has independent suspension, like Freelanders. :D
No, the Freely is a bit small to get all those sheep in the back seat. And the privacy glass would obscure the view...
i beg to differ.. but i blew the doors off a gaylander on sat...

it was a orange g4 specced thing wiv approx 1 and a half inches clearance under it.. must a had a lift kit fitted or summat?

light bar, a six inch springer on the roof... oh and a... a... a... snorkel? why worry bout the engine drowning when once the doors fall off its the driver ya need to woory bout!!!

once i got right up his arse, as he was tootlin along in the right lane, he got out of my way. i passed him so fast i blew his doors off...

ugliest thing i ever saw... and a complete joke
nope was definitely orange...

ya probably cant see properly through ya hairdresser dark glasses...
Well me time in ere is nearly up so I thought it’d be a nice gesture ta do so wiff me 2000th post. :D Don’t worry, I’ll pop back from time ta time ta see hows you lot is rusting, shorry doing. Have spent longer than the originally expected week in ere due to yous lot having so many freds on faulty Disco’s. It seems yer has the most vehicle faults on landyzone. :eek: Not surprising really, considering all the electrical items yous lot has, un the issue of rust. Rust seems ta be a major problem fer the D1 and D2 owners. Nice ta see D3 and D4 owners dun’t suffer as much.

We Freelander owners suffer wiff electrical problems too sometimes. Tis something we has to learn to live wiff. Only other option is ta buy a tratter, un they dun’t have heaters, and certainly no comfort. So we int gonner buy one of thems durdy ole sheds. Buying a Disco int gonner happen either. Coz we has enough problems at the moment, wiffout buying a vehicle wiff more faults than our lovely Freelanders. And yous lot suffer wiff hgf too. Kind of reminds me of home, back on the Freelander forum. :rolleyes:

From me time in ere it seems yous lot suffer with electrical problems, starting problems, rusty chassis, hgf, water leaks, oil leaks, air suspension, alternator, rusty doors, auto gearboxes, power loss, bits falling orf, rusty floors, steering problems, diffs, timing issues, vibrations, rattles, rusty rear doors, brakes, immobilisers, heaters, and of course eating too many kebab’s… the list seems endless. That’s coz it is. Un yer has yer own doors falling orf fred at the top too. Nice. :p It seems yous lot have yer own pet tin worm living inside yer Disco’s. They is like flies. Attracted ta ****e. :doh:

Looks like me Disco poll was quite successful too. :D Most have voted fer the Disco being the thinking mans tratter, as opposed ta the poor mans range rover, or an ole rust bucket. Un there was me thinking it was all 3 option rolled in ta one vehicle. :eek: From looking at yer Disco gallery section it seems a lot of em are ole rust buckets anyways, but yer secretes safe wiff me. ;) :p :D

Well I can’t say I’ll miss yous lot too much, but it will be nice ta be permanently back in the Freelander forum now me round the world tour of landyzone is finished. :) I think I’ve found all the facts I need on the other vehicles, un yer Disco’s breaks down even more than Freelanders do. :eek: :p :D

Will pop back in from time ta time ta see hows yous lot is getting on, and ta post some ****e in ere. Cheerio. :p :D
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