Ah, another one. Haven’t seen you in ere before. Nice ta meet yer. Could be a common theme there as me Freelander series 1 auto also went bang, just before it needed replaced. That was whilst changing gear too. AFT oil leaked out and the torque converter weren’t happy about that.
Ah, there's movement. Cold in ere tonight int it. Brought me own electric fire but yous lot dun't seem to have electric in ere. :(
my series never broke down either - i have several times tho
My Series 1 Freelander doesn't break down. but does need regular attention to keep it going. Admittedly I'm new to repairing and servicing cars, so the easiest of tasks can take longer than expected.
Evening all.

It’s time ta move now as I’ve been in ere more than the expected week, and I has ta go ta the Discovery section next (been missing me friend vagrent as ee’s on holiday looking at power stations over seas so I stayed a bit longer). All part of me round the world tour of Landyzone, ta see what yous lot get up to. Part of this quest involves looking ta see if other Land Rover products are more reliable than Freelanders. Yous may not be aware, but we Freelander owners has the **** taken fer not driving real 4x4’s. Freelanders change ta 4 wheel drive when they realise they needs it. Yous lot wiff yer selectable 2 or 4 wheel drive is in a similar position, but yer has to select it yerself wiff yer funny levers.

Anyways, from reading yer posts it seems yous series peeps suffer wiff problems wiff yer engines, gearbox, axles, brakes, leafs (think that’s uncomfortable suspension), doors, bulkheads, brakes un fluid leaks. Yer also suffers wiff electrical problems, but not half as much as we Freelander owners does. It’s surprising yous lot don’t suffer as quickly wiff rust, as the tratter boy’s does wiff their newer tratters. There was one on ebay the other day which had a kit kat chassis – breaks wiff 2 fingers.

Have ta admit I’ve enjoyed me time in ere. Was a bit of a shock at first having previously been wiff the Range Rover owners un their heated leffer arm chairs last week. Yous lot don’t bother wiff yer creature comforts. Reminds me of me dad’s ole series 2a does that.

Ta help yous lot out me next project will be a Freelander series 1 heater conversion fer one of yer series motors. That way yous lot can have some heat fer the winter. I also plan ta think up a conversion fer Freelander series 1 suspension ta be retro fitted ta yer series motors.

Am orf now. Am starving as yous lot dun’t have any grub in ere. Will be heading straight fer the Disco kebab shop when I gets there. Will pop back from time to time ta see hows yous lot are getting on. Also ta see the updates on the restoration project fred. Nice ta see photo's of what been going on.

Bye fer now.

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