...Ere - do they have cherryade? Have to come here more often :D
Yep cherryade in ere. Just ring the bell on the wall and an Andrea Corr look a like comes from out the back, wiff a glass of some. She also serves the arctic roll too. Just popped in for me lunch.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "tratter boy"?

Are they anything like a "petshop boy"?

Just curious...

Tratter boys drive defenders or series land rovers. Betterer referred to as rusty biscuit tins. If you’ve never come across one, your lucky. Also called durdy tratter boys too. They likes driving vehicles wiff too many gears, no suspension, no heating, in fact they refuse any creature comforts at all. They refuse to admit they suffer because of this. They’re a form of low life, who thrive on picking on Freelander owners, and pollute our Freelander forum. A few of them like Grimmer are ok, but the rest can’t be trusted.
I should add that I spent a week wiff the tratter boys in their forum, and was made an honorary tratter boy for that reason. But I don’t like rusty biscuit tins, hence finding it more comfortable in ere in the range rover forum. I is currently on a landyzone world tour, travelling through all the forums on a fact finding mission.
warn me when yu get to the Disco section - best of both worlds :D.

Rust & HGF :D
Evening all.

Not sure if that’s good or bad.

I was thinking of dropping in on the Romans wiff their rusty old carts. Wiff being a series 1 owner myself (Freelander series 1) they may welcome me as one of their own. Would certainly be a complete change from the comfort and luxury of the Range Rover forum, which int that different to the comfort and luxury me Freelander provides. But then again a visit to the poor mans Range Rover section is also very tempting, despite their problems wiff rust. I have a few days to make up my mind before the big move. Think I’ll continue posting ****e in ere for a bit, whilst I sit here in me leffer heated arm chair, sipping cherryade.
Hippo, do you still drive a Freelander?
Yes. Here he is:


DSCN1104 ken6pbC
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Freelanders int that bad you know. On my current round the world trip across different forums on landyzone, I’m picking up all sorts of information on non Freelander vehicle faults. They all have their problems. On ere it seems to be mainly electrical problems, eas suspension, gearbox, worm out engines, engine sensors, air con etc. On the trattter section you lot suffer wiff pas, brakes, rust, drafts, rust, electrical, hgf, turbo’s, locks, gearboxes, keeping hold of yer liquids and more rust etc. Many more I’ve missed, but I’ve been on the cherryade again tonight.

You tratter boys pick on Freelanders owners a lot, but you’s has just the same amount of problems wiff yer drafty buscuit tins. Only real different is we can keep warm whilst waiting for the AA recovery truck. You’s tratter boys have ter sit in yer draty buscuit tin’s, wiff rain coming in through the panels on the roof. There really isn’t that much difference between different land rover vehicles on ere. Each to their own I guess.

Freelanders int that bad you know.
but you’s has just the same amount of problems . There really isn’t that much difference between different land rover vehicles on ere. Each to their own I guess.

yu mean they aint that bad, coz they are all ****e?
yu mean they aint that bad, coz they are all ****e?

Sadly it’s a well-known thing that land rovers int that reliable. Now some would say they’re too complicated. Others would say it’s a design thing. Some might say built by monkeys. Unless it’s pikies from up norf. But either way we has to agree they all has design problems, all have particular repeating faults, and all have tendencies to fail more often than we would like. So in a word, Yes, they is all ****e. But just as ****e as the next car, when something goes wrong. We never thank those who designed and built them when they is working ok.

Sadly it’s a well-known thing that land rovers int that reliable. Now some would say they’re too complicated. Others would say it’s a design thing. Some might say built by monkeys. Unless it’s pikies from up norf. But either way we has to agree they all has design problems, all have particular repeating faults, and all have tendencies to fail more often than we would like. So in a word, Yes, they is all ****e. But just as ****e as the next car, when something goes wrong. We never thank those who designed and built them when they is working ok.

differance is us tractor boys get to hold onto the value of um rather than it falling off faster than the doors falling off yours :rolleyes:
my old 90 i bought 12 years or so ago for 3k and could still easily get 50% of that back now , with not spending anywhere near as much a year on mantainance the your hairdressers skateboard.
differance is us tractor boys get to hold onto the value of um rather than it falling off faster than the doors falling off yours :rolleyes:
my old 90 i bought 12 years or so ago for 3k and could still easily get 50% of that back now , with not spending anywhere near as much a year on mantainance the your hairdressers skateboard.
Ah, there’s a tratter boys in ere.

You may not like Freelanders, but you have to admit they’re the best selling model which Land Rover made. There are a lot of people who own them, and a lot of people who like them. Land Rover made a lot of money out of making them, which has enabled them to move forwards with newer designs like the D3/4 and new rr, rrs and the evoque. Wiff out that money, the company would have fallen behind competitors.

Freelander: The savour of Land Rover.

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