A spline on both ends of the vcu:


And a hole in the end of the UJ like this:


And a bolt holds the prop/UJ on to the vcu:

At last one of em bites. Took yer time. Was a lot easier in the durdy tratter boy section.

Got a P38 myself. 4.6HSE. It’s a metal cast model thing about 10 inches long. Quite life like too. Racing green. Beige leffer interior. Fails to start. Electrics don’t work. Been off the road longer than I remember. Don’t think it’ll ever work. :D

wow change my quote to suit your needs!! if your smart enough to do that how did you end up driving a gaylander???? lol!!
could yu attach a plate onto the VCU with that bolt or clamp a bar a cross it?
The bolt does up tight enough to hold, but don't think it would hold the prop turning wiffout the splines in it. Same for attaching something. Bolting a bracket round the vcu would work though.

wow change my quote to suit your needs!! if your smart enough to do that how did you end up driving a Freelander???? lol!!
Shorry, didn't mean to offend.

It's a long story, but it was inherited when me old man snuffed it. Shame it wasn't a diesel auto instead. He's had his fair share of repairs, and is happy at the moment. Part of being a Land Rover owner I guess.
that has to be the best place to mount something to measure the VCU torque tho.

just a thought - can yu get a socket onto the bolt head? if so - torque wrench or bar and spring in there, with rear of prop removed?
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that has to be the best place to mount something to measure the VCU torque tho.

just a thought - can yu get a socket onto the bolt head? if so - torque wrench or bar and spring in there, with rear of prop removed?
Agreed. Measuring at the vcu is the best option. But can't see many owners doing this for a comparison. Sadley getting a socket on the nut which holds the prop on to the vcu isn't possible. Isn't enough room. You can just about get a spanner on it. Poking a long screw driver through would perhaps be betterer as the nut is only done up to 65Nm.


spring balance on the end of a spanner of determinate length?
Could be the way foprward.

If my v6 rear diff has a ratio of 3.66 then I assume the small cog is on the end of the prop, and the larger cog on the end of the drive shaft.

Now is ma thinking correct:

1.2m bar at 94.08Nm in to the drive shaft means the Nm into the rear prop is:

(94.08 x 3.66) which is 344.3Nm

or (94.08 / 3.66) which is 25.7Nm.

I think 344Nm is probably he correct answer, as it's a big cog turning a small cog, so you multiply it's effort meeded, which means the force needed to turn the vcu directly is bigger than the current test. This would double if the spanner on the vcu was half the length? 688Nm?
Just looked it up on the web. Would be 94/3.66 as you say. But this is still with a 1.2m bar. So if the bar was shorter at 1/4 of the length, it would be (94/3.66)x4=102.7Nm ?
Only one way to find out?
Remove rear prop and see how much is needed to move the vcu.....
I filmed a torque test directly on the vcu when I last took it off. Will find the video tonight and see how many seconds, weight and what bar length used.
It’s good in ere int it. Rarely do we get to discuss Freelanders on the Freelander forum wiffout the durdy tratter boys taking the ****. Think we should come in ere and talk Freelanders more often. :)

Found the vid. VCU on it’s own was:

Rough time 22 seconds, 10.2kg, bar 0.35m, to turn 45 degrees and stop at horizontal.
10.2 x 9.8 x 0.35 = 35Nm

Have also done it at different weights, turning the same 45 degrees and stopping when horizontal, and found 60 seconds for 5.2kg, bar 0.37m
5.2 x 9.8 x 0.37 = 19Nm

So from the above, we would need to look at Nm effort, per amount of time, torn the vcu the same number of degrees.

Have seen the update on your definitive guide to vcu’s. Would you like me to edit the photo of the mag article to put a message in it saying the temp is a suspect figure? Would be modded on Photobucket, so it pops up on all article pic’s where ever they may be on the web.

Ah, more arctic roll and a glass of fizzy red pop by me arm chair. Thanks whoever left it. It’s good in ere int it. :D
Editing the pic might be useful..... But only if you agree with my postulations :).

Ere - do they have cherryade? Have to come here more often :D
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "tratter boy"?

Are they anything like a "petshop boy"?

Just curious...


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