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It's nice to finally see a long overdue charitable cause here in the UK being addressed at last.
Well done Hippo & on behalf off all the Tratter boys under their rustbuckets right now with gaffer tape & your donations we say THANKYOU.
Thanks fer the donations so far. Got home from working away this week to find half dozen sheets of corrugated metal, about 40 roses tins and an old plastic bath in me front garden.

At first glance I thought the bath was a daft idea as we is collecting metal roses tins fer tratter chassis patch repair. But then I had an idea. If we turn it up side down, un cut it into 2, then into 2 again, it would make 4 replacement plastic tratter front wing panels. :D
Thanks fer the donations so far. Got home from working away this week to find half dozen sheets of corrugated metal, about 40 roses tins and an old plastic bath in me front garden.

At first glance I thought the bath was a daft idea as we is collecting metal roses tins fer tratter chassis patch repair. But then I had an idea. If we turn it up side down, un cut it into 2, then into 2 again, it would make 4 replacement plastic tratter front wing panels. :D

What about the corrugated sheets? Bet ya keepin them yerself as ideal door replacments for when yours get wet an fall orf.
What about the corrugated sheets? Bet ya keepin them yerself as ideal door replacments for when yours get wet an fall orf.
Shorry. Forgot about those. :doh:

I thought we could issue the corrugated sheets to rag top owners. Their drafty damp buscuit tins suffer more than hard top buscuit tin tratters. Specially now winter is ere. They could use em as a temporay roof fer the winter. 2 bends and a row of misaligned pop rivits an they'd be fitted just like the hard tops are in the factory. :p :D
And if placed on the floor of the pig compartment at an angled slope to the back they allow excellent drainage for water ingress/pig waste:5bpiggy:
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Very much appreciated but my chassis is showing a worrying lack of effort towards disintegration :confused:

But I would gratefully receive any donations of tinfoil to fashion into underwear and wire direct to the battery for warmth. :screaming_bug_eye_f

If I go anywhere near my Landy with empty biscuit tins I'll get savaged by me pig....:dizzy:
We have a simular problem when the kettle clicks off. Our rabbit start pulling at his cage as he knows when the kettle boils, the buscuits come out. It's his only way of attracting our attendtion.

Anyways, on wiv the fred. Can you all collect yer tin foil from yer sandwiches at work. We'll collect this as the tratterers use it as window putty. Strange but true.
We have a simular problem when the kettle clicks off. Our rabbit start pulling at his cage as he knows when the kettle boils, the buscuits come out. It's his only way of attracting our attendtion.

Anyways, on wiv the fred. Can you all collect yer gay porn as I love it. Strange but true.

hippo you disgust me :rolleyes::D:D:D
Am shorry it's a bit late, but can we add more things to donate to the list?

If yer has any ratchet straps, ropes or gaffer tape then send it in wiv yer biscuit tins. No doubt there be a number of us with worn out shoes un trainers. Can we have the laces out of them too? Also if yer has any cable tie's then chuck some of them in anorl. All items will be collected and split into tratterer orf road emergency repair kits. For tratters that just don't tratter how their owners would hope.

Now yer probably thinking I've flipped big time. But I can assure you I is completely sane. Watch the following video and all will become clear.

[WARNING] The following video shows doors un body panels that dun't fit properly. Un that was before the roll over. [/WARNING]

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It's good we can help the less fortunate at these times,

Ive a few bicci tins and work has several sheets of corrugated roofing so that can all go to make trattererer folk happy and pig friendly into the new year.

Does anyone have any spare checker plate for disco folk to make new boot floors?
If anyone's throwing away their Christmas tree light this year can yer donate them too? Tratterers like to fit as many lights as they can. Betterer if they flash on un orf too. :doh: It's an image thing to make their rig look as if they drive a tratter coz they need to, fer work. Makes em fink they're part of the road gang, road maintenance, brake down agency or someone of great 'look at me' importance. Dun't worry if the lights dun't work. They'll still fit em. They'll just put white covers over the lenses. :confused: :rolleyes:
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