Ah, there’s a tratter boys in ere.

You may not like Freelanders, but you have to admit they’re the best selling model which Land Rover made. There are a lot of people who own them, and a lot of people who like them. Land Rover made a lot of money out of making them, which has enabled them to move forwards with newer designs like the D3/4 and new rr, rrs and the evoque. Wiff out that money, the company would have fallen behind competitors.

Freelander: The savour of Land Rover.

yeah yeah yeah :rolleyes:
and the disco did'nt do jack **** for the company :rolleyes:
all the freelander did was give the wannabe 4x4 peeps a small LR to pretend they are opening the frontier :rolleyes:
Oh give over yer just being nasty so yer can keep yer street cred wiff the other tratter boys. Yer dun't mean any of it. We knows yer likes Freelanders.
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Well me week in ere is nearly over. Have read many freds in ere and it seems range rovers break down more often than Freelanders. Not surprising really, considering all the electrical items they’ve got. I suppose the more you have, the more that can go wrong. We Freelander owners suffer wiff electrical problems too. Tis something we has to learn to live wiff. Only other option is ta buy a tratter, but they dun’t have heaters, and certainly no comfort. Have ta say I’m impressed wiff yer knowledge on yer range rovers. Seems you lot have got it sorted wiff eas problems, and being able to diagnose/reset it etc. And yer suffers wiff hgf too. Kind of reminds me of home, back on the Freelander forum. Think I’ll just sit ere in me leffer heated arm chair sipping cherryade, and fall asleep by the fire.

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