Cheers for the links Sean, yeah I can get jets fair easy, but the thing with the disco is they are mounted at a funny angle, mounted vertical and shooting up the screen whereas most cars are bonnet mount, also not a lot of room for big jets. Will see
Also what the deal with the 405 arms mate? I fitted aero blades to mine, Bosch do the upgrade, was only about 7 quid each and much better wipe IMO.
Ian, I actually bought this one after failing to manufacture by hand. I am looking to make them providing I can find a suitable tubing. I will also make a heavy duty one with extra flow if I can again manage it.
Regards your millionaire idea

there is a small technical issue, in that in order to heat the engine you would need circulation aswell as heat exchange.
The other issue is that if you were to open up your home heating system you would have to bleed it every time.
The other option is a heat exchanger in your central heating circuit, a circulation pump to circulate your water through hosepipes to outside, and then another heat exchanger on the engine circuit.
You would then either have to fit an electric circulation pump to the engine or an electric motor to drive the existing water pump (ideal). This is quite easy on a V belt engine (3.5 or 200tdi) but not as easy on a serp engine due to single belt.
As you can see its a right faff to set it all up. Kenlowe do a hot start thingy which is a heater and pump in one, and you simply plug your car into the mains, via a timer unless you're super rich.
I'll send you a prop spacer as payment. It got moved from the shelf to the radiator today, which means its a step closer to a jiffy bag.
Should make it to the post office tomorrow!