Well well well, look who’s here
Yeah I’m pretty much balls deep into jet skis now I have like 8 of the things
But the big ol’ rust bucket is still around
She last turned a tyre August 2017, where me and a mate decided to recommission and head out for a solo laning weekend, around 350 miles through wales, Friday night to Sunday afternoon, starting south and heading up north as off road as possible
It was april 2017 when it last moved previous to that, so things needed to be done
It was fun getting the old girl out again!!!
The weekend went well on the Friday night, but at 5am Saturday morning after breakfast and we had packed to start the day, the injection fuse blew as soon as I turned the key. We only had 3 spare fuses!!! So the diagnosis process was not slap dash!
Anyway managed to narrow it down to a bad injector. By 8.30am the engine was back together and we were running. That was a relief let me tell you.
A hundred or so miles later the tank guard ripped off the front and folded back around. In the middle of a lane. Managed to jack up for access and hit it with first the grinder and then ratchet straps to retain it, and we were able to carry on alright to camp Saturday night where we added more straps haha
Sunday went alright apart from smashing the rear quarter glass, the first piece of glass I ever broke!!!
Once we finally got home around £300 in fuel later the list of Repairs was so long including a OSF inner arch needing a complete weld again (last done 8 years ago) that one year on I have not had chance to fix the car
I still turn the engine over every now And again but would really like to find the time to do it in time for this winter, but I am beyond belief busy with jet skis. Nature of the beast.
Can’t remember where the build thread is up to but everything is the same pretty much except I now have 3 door tilt up seat frames fitted to allow more room for the double bed when camping in the rear, and I also have a set of 33x14.5x15 boggers to go with the 33x13.5x15 pitbulls both of which are awesome Tyres
Very much hope to catch you out there soon and thanks for your support