Yes, we have a longish flexi from the end of the fixed piping from the tank to the inlet of the pump. I will find a place to insert a filter..... in due course. Now the smell of petrol is resolved I am looking to install a thermostat as the next pressing issue, although... I just started it up and I think the "not charging" red light is glowing faintly which is a bit more "dodgy".
If it goes away at about 1000 revs that should be OK. do you have a dynamo and a regulator?
Wow, if so, real rave from the grave.

My first two Minis did.
It could just be alternator or dynamo brush (es).
Last time I worked on such a system was in 1978 when a mate in France's Minivan, that he had driven to France from Glasgow in, started having charging problems. At the time Minis were quite rare in Lille, but I knew of a Mini Countryman that had been abandoned on a city street. so we went and had a wee peek!
In those days you could open the bonnet by hand. So, yep there was the voltage regulator, so a few minutes with a screwdriver had it out and away.
Fitted it and his problem went away.
Up till that point I had helped him start the car when he wanted to go to work by pushing his from behind with the rubber over-riders on my Renault 6. I could see his ignition light through all the screens/windows so as soon as it went out I knew his engine had started. That winter was one of the coldest on record, which didn't help.
Looking back, I didn't have a meter or anything. Not even a Haynes manual as it wasn't my car! Have no idea how I diagnosed the fault!
The van had belonged to a coal merchant and the springs were non-existent.
My car went into the garage one day and I had a date with a new girl that evening so I asked my mate if I could borrow his van. "Nae problem!"
Said girl's eyes popped out at the sight of this blue and white Minivan. So she got in and off we set.
At a set of traffic lights when they turned green I let the clutch in and promptly went flying into the back of the van!
By now Mademoiselle was wetting herself laughing! So I drove it very carefully to the club and then back to her place.
I think we only ever found one bolt to rebolt the seat back to a flange on the front of the cross member. So I think we used stiff wire for the other one! Matey had no clue about mechanics!
It had an 8-track in it with about 3 tapes. The "best " one was the greatest hits of Glenn Campbell, so pretty soon we were all word perfect on Wichita Lineman, By the time I get to Phoenix etc.
(Me and another Scots mate, Liam, harmonising while rolling around in the back! (Ooh Matron!!) ).