So this is what I have been playing with a bit this arvo.
The result of an "accrochage" as we were leaving to come home last September.
Flipping annoying as the trailer onl;y gets used about 4 days a year.
We had driven to the village and had just entered the really narrow bit in the middle where only one vehicle can pass at a time, when suddenly appeared two cars full of plainclothes plod, well some in uniform with their badges covered over.

They started imperiously trying to wave me to one side until they realised I was not going to be backing up the trailer with the Pluriel on it very quickly. So they backed back just a bit leaving me a tiny space to pull in to. They then shot off, Lord knows where or why, made little sense to us!
So, as I pulled back out I must have just caught a concrete post or summat pretty invisible, you can see the scuff mark just under the right-angled rubber light holder. That bumped the trailer a little bit sideways. I thought I must have hit a car, but no.
Miraculously it hadn't broken any plastic or lights so we carried on, all working.
But it was a bit tricky to get off and I had to cut one cable to be able to remove it to the garage for further attention.
You'll see how lucky we were that it didn't do more damage, but also how I will have fun getting the plastic light holder out.
Even the right hand side isn't helping.
But at least all plastic is intact.
I would have had to cut the one cable anyway as there would have been no other way of getting it free and out of the rubber bit.
So hey ho for a fun time straightening it without busting the plassy!!