Well I should be just about in the TLScontact centre in Lunnen by now.
But I had so much trapped wind last night, that I didn't sleep so don't feel safe about driving.
I'll have to do it tomoz.
Wish I could get to the bottom of how it happens (no jokes you lot!)
I have had it since about the age of 30 and have tried all sorts of remedies and tried to see what dietary thing can be causing it. Docs can't tell me either.
Only ever comes on when I go to bed. sometimes it lets me sleep for a few hours then wakes me up, no pain, I just cannot get back to sleep. Then I move and go, "oh yes, that's it".
My ex used to burp me like a baby and that did a bit of good.

I learned eventually to more or less shift it myself, but it is not easy and in the end leaves me with stomach ache.
Sorry to bore you lot.
Have a good day!