I would just like to say

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At the beginning of my career, twice, and once later on, I was forced to choose between two interviews on the same day.
Sadly par for the course in my job.
At least I managed to choose right place for interview, following phone calls to both.
I ended up getting the job where I was for 34 years rather than possibly not getting one in a state school in Rugby.

In my game if you accept a job you then cannot change your mind or you risk being black-balled in the county and possibly surrounding ones.

A colleague of mine who wanted to move to Bath to be with her fiancée went to an interview, was offered the job so took it. Then a few days later went to another interview in another school not too far away. One of the candidates was at the first interview!
So as soon as she saw her she dobbed her in. The Head rang the Head of the other school.
She lost the job she had been offered, she didn't get interviewed at the second place, rather she got a massive dressing down, and in the end was very lucky to get a job elsewhere. Speaking of which, if you're into high-stakes decisions—hopefully with better outcomes—you might want to check out BetBazar for some real action
One big disadvantage to my job!! But we did laugh!! (she wasn't all that well-liked.) 🤣
The takeaway from this story is: don’t be too cheeky, and always honour your commitments. That said, it does sound rather amusing from an outsider’s perspective! :)
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Afternoon folks :).

Just changed the batteries in the remote and respooled the winch after yesterdays rescue mission, Spooled it out but then found remote not working so had to just drag him out of the muddy hole with the trusty tractor;).

Gonna get some more wood in in a bit as its still blooming chilly out. Still well into the minus temps.

Afternoon folks :).

Just changed the batteries in the remote and respooled the winch after yesterdays rescue mission, Spooled it out but then found remote not working so had to just drag him out of the muddy hole with the trusty tractor;).

Gonna get some more wood in in a bit as its still blooming chilly out. Still well into the minus temps.

See it on the European weather maps you got a nice blue colour it stops short of us so you can keep it ,use the wood before it go's rotten 😂
See it on the European weather maps you got a nice blue colour it stops short of us so you can keep it ,use the wood before it go's rotten 😂
Cheers mate :p.
Oh the wood wont rot:).

We actually have some wood (that I conviently skip over) in the wood store its very grey, It needs a bit of chopping but its as hard as nails, may take the chainsaw to it.
Came from a tree that fell close to our land about 5yrs and this was donated to us. It was an old oak 3ft+ dia at a guess, but rotten up the middle, but the outer 9inch ring was hard, that burns nice:).

The takeaway from this story is: don’t be too cheeky, and always honour your commitments. That said, it does sound rather amusing from an outsider’s perspective! :)
Her fiancé, who was some sort of an HR manager for British Gas, encouraged her to do what she did (!), as far as he could see there was nothing wrong in it, "You can always ring the first lot back and say you have had a better offer" quoth he. To this day we don't know if she knew the protocol or she let herself be persuaded.
Obvs, said blokey didn't know how things stood in our game.

He is now something massive in BG, although he has probably retired with a big fat pension. if I could remember his surname I'd look him up. She got babies quickly and I don't think ever bothered, or needed to, again.
Just sat at home counting her BMWs!;)
Cheers mate :p.
Oh the wood wont rot:).

We actually have some wood (that I conviently skip over) in the wood store its very grey, It needs a bit of chopping but its as hard as nails, may take the chainsaw to it.
Came from a tree that fell close to our land about 5yrs and this was donated to us. It was an old oak 3ft+ dia at a guess, but rotten up the middle, but the outer 9inch ring was hard, that burns nice:).

That's the problem if you don't split it when green the older it getsthe harder it is, a lot of oaks die from the centre out , I believe the oldest oak in the UK you can walk around inside it 🌳🌳
Today didn't go as planned. Despite drinking no alcohol at all and having a very small meal.
I went to bed at 10 pm intending to rise at 6 a.m.
But still didn't get to sleep until 0430.
So turned the alarm off, took two paracetamol for the stomach pain that was keeping me awake, after spending lots of time up till then burping myself. I really do need a 50K service.
Finally got to sleep.
Woke at 0730, tried to get back to sleep.
Got up, got all the stuff ready for London then stuff for W. and went to see her in the H.
She was a bit more chipper but obviously somewhat concerned. She had managed to fall between the bed the commode and the armchair, all of which she ought to have been able to hold onto. Her silly foot again, and maybe general weakness. This happened just as a doc was doing his rounds with two lackeys. So they got her into bed, him making jokes about "We don't want to let you go" etc.
So after a bit of chat, me getting told off for bringing the wrong cardigan in, etc, I set off.
Having set TomTom the night before, to save time, (W usually tells me where to go as she knows all these roads far better than me having commuted up there for years ) and selected "alternative route" to go up the A3, I set off. Things went OK until I saw that I was going to be on the M3 "for the next 50 miles".
"Oh (big swear words)!":mad::mad::mad:
It turns out that if you set up a route on TT, do what I did and then switch it off, when it comes back on it puts you back on the right route but NOT any alternative you selected. Thanks a bunch flipping tech.
So I got off at Eastleigh, finally found a place to pull over, and reset it. It then took me via an interesting cross country route even going round Guildford, until I reached my destination only 13 mins later than I would have done. I didn't have an appointment so it didn't matter.
But the big PHEW is that we now have our passports back.
I did mean to ask them if the courier service had got any better, but forgot.
It was quite fun driving W's little Frog car. It is surprisingly spirited at high revs, 16 valves I suppose. But better since the timing belt change AND according to its pooter, doing 1 mile more to the gallon.
Have nice evening everyone!
Just been round to move my mates pizza oven omg what a heavy ole fing :oops: Asked if I wanted it but not sure if if get here
without it breaking so we put it to the bottom of his garden as hes replacing his decking which I slipped n fell on when shifting
part of the oven. :confused: Dont think id have decking, who ever done it left no air gaps between the planks so its rotten.
Plus put dpc round all the leg supports like little water traps so they are rotten too.