I would just like to say

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That I think my tele is fooked
43 inch Panasonic flat screen
Screen went dark this afternoon
Switched it off for an hour and back on and it was fine for ab few minutes then screen went dark again.
Listening to radio on it now :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yes, I've had that with a flat screen too. It came on and showed a picture when it felt like it, which turned out to be less and less often as time went by. Whilst it's around 25 years since I've watched television, I use them as computer monitors, because it's the cheapest way of getting a nice big flat screen so I can see several documents and browser windows at once. A good deal more affordable than getting a computer monitor the same size, anyway. I've thrown it away now, to be replaced by the cheapest similar-sized flattie I could find on Amazon, which has been reliable so far. The old one did me for over 12 years, so I can't really complain.

'Hey hunny, want a new outboard ?'

Me grass ain't bin cut this year. Just dunnit for the first time. Woke me mower from hibernation and he nearly filled his grass collector when he seen it. Between 12 and 18 inches. He's only a little mower so after coaching him a bit we agreed to take the grass collector oft assit would clog up. That meant he were free to cut at an angle to help him. Raked a bit up then went over again as normal wiv grass collector on. All done. Kept pushing me bin down wiv a spade. Tis heavy but fink it will go. Fink its collection week this week.
Me grass ain't bin cut this year. Just dunnit for the first time. Woke me mower from hibernation and he nearly filled his grass collector when he seen it. Between 12 and 18 inches. He's only a little mower so after coaching him a bit we agreed to take the grass collector oft assit would clog up. That meant he were free to cut at an angle to help him. Raked a bit up then went over again as normal wiv grass collector on. All done. Kept pushing me bin down wiv a spade. Tis heavy but fink it will go. Fink its collection week this week.
Don't you compost it that's verry naughty of you 😠😠
After reading up on squirrels smornin eye wonder if me big squirrel issa wimmins and the smaller one a male. Normally they flick tails at each other and one will race the other oft. Grays have babies in april and june. 6 week pregnancy so wonder if the smaller one were following the big one for this reason. Wimmin squirrels are said to be biggerer.
After reading up on squirrels smornin eye wonder if me big squirrel issa wimmins and the smaller one a male. Normally they flick tails at each other and one will race the other oft. Grays have babies in april and june. 6 week pregnancy so wonder if the smaller one were following the big one for this reason. Wimmin squirrels are said to be biggerer.
And taste better
So, re the kids yesdi, wasn't awful, I remembered a big box of seventies lego in the loft which went down surprisingly well.
Anyway, got some Mars choc ices for desserts. Youngest one looks at it sideways..
"Hmmm, could be bigger"
In a moment the missus has taken it out of his hand and bitten it in half.
'There you go, you ungrateful little git, is even smaller now!'

You should have seen his face, I had to leave the room. Ole skool parenting at it's best...