Morning all, or is it lunchtime?
got up early to do another 3 hours apple picking before brunch.
Hot here now.
Having an argy-bargy with the leather clothing shop in toon.
We have bought lots of things from them in the past, all very good quality though, despite it being a factory shop, not cheap.
But last September W picked up a coat she had ordered at the beginning of August, (Yep, I know totally daft time to order anything over here.) From the beginning of Sep we kept on going in, "Is it ready yet? No come back next week."
So we only picked it up just before we left. W tried it on, it seemed OK.
Anyways. Once she got it home she noticed that the lining was badly fitted and drooping in places, including one sleeve. Also it was fitted with a hood where the lining, because it was only attached at the edges, every time she put it on it just slipped off and sat there with the lining hanging out. Also the panels of leather do not match in quality of finish some are rough compared to others.
She's been putting off going in to complain as she hates doing it, although of course it is my voice doing the complaining.
They took it away overnight, we went to see it. They had done flip all to it except mend one corner.
They refuse to reline it unless we pay €200

The stitching is so bad it puckers the (very thin) leather. ("cuir ciré" a form of thin waxed leather). W has only worn it twice, for flip's sake.
After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing the assistant told us it'd be best if we sent in a long email with pictures to make a formal claim.
This will be hilarious as W has with her two other garments bought from them, one lovely leather coat she has had for about 8 years.
We'll be able to contrast the fab lining and stitching on the one with exactly the same things in the same places on the other. Dunno if it'll do any good, but honestly if you pay €750 for a garment you expect it to be up to snuff. Maybe they'll give us a bit of dosh so she can get it relined back in Blighty.
Better news on the cottage rental front.
W finally managed to find an email (she has been contacting her most of the time through some messaging thing) where she was quoted much less than they are now demanding, so that ought to bear fruit!