I would just like to say

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Yup They do a red one

1972: Hillman Avenger Tiger[edit]​

Hillman Avenger Tiger Mk2
Named to evoke memories of the Sunbeam Tiger, the Avenger Tiger concept began as a publicity exercise. Avenger Super (four-door) cars were modified by the Chrysler Competitions Centre under Des O'Dell and the Tiger model was launched in March 1972. Modifications included the 1500 GT engine with an improved cylinder head with enlarged valves, twin Weber carburetors and a compression ratio of 9.4:1. The engine now developed 92.5 bhp (69 kW) at 6,100 rpm. The suspension was also uprated, whilst brakes, rear axle, and gearbox are directly from the GT.

A distinctive yellow colour scheme ("Sundance") with a bonnet bulge, rear spoiler and side stripes was standard, set off with "Avenger Tiger" lettering on the rear quarters.

Road test figures demonstrated a 0–60 mph time of 8.9 seconds and a top speed of 108 mph (174 km/h). These figures beat the rival Ford Escort Mexico, but fuel consumption was heavy. Even in 1972, the Tiger developed a reputation for its thirst.

All Avenger Tigers were assembled by the Chrysler Competitions Centre and production figures are vague but around 200 of the initial Mark 1 seems likely.

In October 1972, Chrysler unveiled the more "productionised" Mark 2 Tiger. The Avenger GL bodyshell with four round headlights was used. Mechanically identical to the earlier cars(from contemporary road tests, however,there were better performances and fuel consumption), the bonnet bulge was lost although the bonnet turned matt black, and there were changes to wheels and seats. These cars went on sale at £1,350. Production was around 400. Red ("Wardance") was now available as well as yellow ("Sundance"), both with black detailing.
Reported: long posting! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Nice pics, you can see the difference but it's quite subtle. They were pretty stylish cars, can't remember the last time I saw one in the UK.

You must have been sick about losing your one, especially given the circumstances. I had a number of R16s over the years, they were a bit prone to rot unfortunately and I had the rear suspension collapse on one side on one - drove it for a while with the torsion bar resting on the hole through a chassis member at the free end!.... Could have had it repaired but didn't in the end, wish I had.

I had another 16 which was fully rebuilt including new rear suspension mounts but I sold it around the same time as the Santana and probably regret selling it more than the Santana to be honest, but needed the money at the time and didn't have the garage that I have now :(

Sorry to come back to this late but had a mega lie-in because I did my back in over the weekend and was walking like a crab yesterday! Spent the day moving satellite dishes today - exercise is a better remedy than being laid up.

Yes I was well and truly gutted, I had only just put it through it's MOT and we were going away for the weekend in it that night.

When I lived in France as a languages assistant I bought an old Renault 6, in the days before the Controle Technique (78-9) and it too had the left rear suspension sort of collapse. I took it back to the place I bought it from and they repaired it by cutting through the sill just in front of the rear suspension and putting summat in there to strengthen it before welding it all back up. Like you I drove it for quite a while like that including a trip to Compiegne from Lille and back. I think when I sold it on it had the same thing on the right hand side!

A French friend of ours in his 80s who used to be able to have any car he wanted as a company car, (drives Mercs) now, reckoned that his Renault 16 was the best car he ever had!
My (French) ex's uncle had one and drove us to our wedding in it. I'd stayed with them the night before, got soused out of my head and woke up with a stinking hangover, so I washed it completely twice to get rid of the pain! Then we decorated it, as they do over here, with pink ribbon as it was a white car!

Hope your back is better. I spent a lot of time yesterday climbing up and down a ladder to replace umpteen tiles on a roof. My left knee has told me to find something else to do today!
Well, as you'll have gathered I made a real start on the roof yessdi, sweeping and fishing out all the broken tile bits which was tedious and tricky, as well as uncomfortable. As I lifted the edge of a tile bits of the edge of it inside/underneath would fall down onto the edge of the tile below, so keeping the bits in the valleys was a drag. So shoved and swept them all down and into the gutter!
As I was going along I replaced the very worst ones, but if I just went ahead and started by replacing them lots and lots of bust off, cracked off splintered off bits of tile would end up on the wood underneath, and there are holes in that so it could end up any old where! I've done about 2/5ths of the bit I need to do and just the fragments have filled one and a half wine boxes.

I'm sure if I was a roofer I would know better ways of doing this but I am not so I don't! Where is @kevstar when you need him!?🤣🤣

Overall I am going to change 100 tiles but as 6 weigh 25kilos, I only carry 2 at a time up the ladder and of course I have to move and carry 2 off the roof as well! (Maybe I need to make myself some kind of backpack to make it easier. I have bought some stout cord and a couple of pulleys so I might be able to make up some sort of a hoist but they are a flipping awkward shape. If they wer eflat slates it'd be a sight easier!)

My left knee is complaining so doing other stuff to do with the pool today, the knee has been placed on "light duties"🤣

Have a good day folks!
Afternoon folks :).

Did another 1hrs work this am 7:30 -8:30 stacking wood, then the sun got to the wood pile and we were leaking so that was that. Back in for freshly squeezed orange juice.
Should finish the last load stacking tomorrow and so the shed will be full. next load will be at the house so close if the snow/rain gets to bad.

Went to town yesterday and got some personnel man scaping stuff (head hair;)) so it was a number 8 on the back patio late afternoon, left the birds a fair pile of nice warm nesting:). Just got fed up having to go to the Barber. M says I look younger not sure if that's a good thing:p.

So its been high 30s today.
Cooked some boiled eggs and some salmon fillets. now in the fridge to go with the salad this evening.
Been drinking water like its going out of fashion:).

Next problem is the likelihood of wildfires, couple of hedgerows and stubble fields (luckily stubble harvest in) on fire when we went into town firemen on it, but they are gonna be busy for a while.

I've done about 2/5ths of the bit I need to do and just the fragments have filled one and a half wine boxes.

Its 1 of those jobs that you need to just chip away at a bit at a time not looking at the whole size:). Especially as your knees are complaining.
So I guess you need to drink more wine so you have enough boxes:p.
A dip in the pool after a day on the tiles will help:)

Hope your ladder is tied off, stay safe.

Knowing the temperatures at which things get baked at in kilns, (We have friends who make china dolls) I don't see how else they could make them easily, bar moulding them in two halves then somehow firing them together again, which on such a thin thing would be very dodgy, expensive and time-consuming. As it is I bet they had lots of fails.

http://www.pipearchive.co.uk/pdfs/publications/Terry c1988 - Devon, Barnstaple Pipe Factory.pdf
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Needed a photo 🙂


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Finished my camper hinged drivers seat
Started to put new worktop in :)
Hinged drivers seat and hinged passenger seat so as I can get at the batteries and under seat storage on drivers side.
Spare wheel bracket now has a hole drilled and padlock fitted
Have to tidy TV wiring, secure the leisure batteries with a strap and put a quick release joint in the camping stove pipe so as the stove can be stowed away.
Leaving worktop till tomorrow, have to iron an edging strip on and can't be bothered tonight. :D