I would just like to say

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Morning All. :D
A shopping day. :(
NVM we have to eat. :)
I met a bloke on holiday who lost 40Kg when he went on the Carnivore diet.
Before I met him I was warned to expect a really fat bloke with a big spade beard.
What I saw was a taller rangey guy that was quite slim. He said he had been plagued with illness (headaches & gastric issues) all his life and now they were all gone and he felt great. Interesting, I thought.

Have a great day. :D
So your not allergic to dux doo ??
I have never picked a duck up and stroked it, I have just sometimes slept on feather pillows and/or under what we used to call an "eiderdown" which tells you what was in it. That was more or less as a kid
Allergies creep up on you and my reaction to that came in my twenties.
I also used to baby sit for a colleague who had a sofa and armchairs stuffed with feathers and I turned out to be allergic to that as well, don't know what feathers they were.

But no, I have never had anything to do with dux doo-doo!! 🤣 🤣