I would just like to say

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Off to a Petrolheads meet this evening, suns shining so should be good
Got me battered 'Shell Motor Spirit' can on the running board, tenner well spent at steam show :)
Hope peeps are friendly and not all gathered around shiny M3's and fancy Fireblades :rolleyes:
We'll see :)
Got home to find a letter telling us that we were going to have a "water cut" on Monday, 0900 to 1700 and on Thursdi 0800 to 1200.

But "bottled water will be provided, provided we can prove who we are!"

Somewhat annoying.
But what made me really laugh is that the letter was dated 28th of July.

Wonder what day this will actually happen!!!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
As some of you on here already know ...

My poor old Zaffi was written off yesterday by an over enthusiastic Uber driver, who cut across my carriage way to try and enter a local petrol station before looking where he was going to end up ...

View attachment 316875

The white Toyota was the Ubers ride, he says "I have dash cam", police say "not plugged in" ...
View attachment 316877

Nothing broken on me, lots of bruising and muscle pain today ...View attachment 316912

Finally got that major part of the money paid into my account today ... they've had it in a 'holding account' for 30 days while the paperwork was finalised ... still waiting for another paperwork to clear for the GAP insurance and then there's the medical payout to wait for ...

Still, now I can move on for my own set of wheels and stop nursing this electronic heap ... :(
Evening all :)
Finally got that major part of the money paid into my account today ... they've had it in a 'holding account' for 30 days while the paperwork was finalised ... still waiting for another paperwork to clear for the GAP insurance and then there's the medical payout to wait for ...

Still, now I can move on for my own set of wheels and stop nursing this electronic heap ... :(
What heap is it
Finally got that major part of the money paid into my account today ... they've had it in a 'holding account' for 30 days while the paperwork was finalised ... still waiting for another paperwork to clear for the GAP insurance and then there's the medical payout to wait for ...

Still, now I can move on for my own set of wheels and stop nursing this electronic heap ... :(
Great news Dips.
You've been through it and didn't deserve to.
Onwards and upwards I hope.
Big hugs!
Was busy playing with grass today and didn’t get home in time to vote, which is terrible 🤔

Tell me about lavender. The engerlish type. Should eye buy it from homebase for 8.5 sovs per pot or grow it from seeds. Fink they have biggerer 20 sov pots anorl. Garden center hassum for 17. Will it be easy to grow. Plant and leave it. Water it when dry. Eye want the colour, smell and to keep the bee's happy.
Tell me about lavender. The engerlish type. Should eye buy it from homebase for 8.5 sovs per pot or grow it from seeds. Fink they have biggerer 20 sov pots anorl. Garden center hassum for 17. Will it be easy to grow. Plant and leave it. Water it when dry. Eye want the colour, smell and to keep the bee's happy.
Lavandula labiatae bit of a job from seed but if you get a plant you can take lots of cuttings that strike in August readable
Going to be a lovely day :)
Might get some painting done
Cafe first with girlfriend
I see we have another millionaire Prime Minister, those who work the system run the system :D
Left a box of rivets out overnight with the lid off .....an it rained :oops:
Stay calm all :)