Afternoon folks

Been another ot 1

Been having problems trying to get the pool sparkly, seems always to have the bottom 2ft cloudy

. Anyway we flocked it yesterday, the shark has been on double duty last few days but didn't seem to be able to get the fine stuff that just wouldn't settle, but it looks now like we have won the battle after a quick floc

Been working on the central heating system today, Noticed it seemed not to be doing what it should (designed to do).
When the solar water panels heat the tank to a level it then runs it through the 280L hot water tank (3 tanks) this works fine. If the buffer tank then heats up more it is designed to then open all the floors and pump the water through which usually takes out a bunch of heat and all is well.
So a little investigation yesterday and its not hot after the thermostatic valve, ok thats coming out for a clean.
So armed with bucket (no spade) and a couple of spanners off I go into the sweat box of a loft

Isolated, drain that part and removed the valve, Hummmm could do with a clean so sorted that put back together seems to work and nothing looks broke, could it be the thermostatic head or bulb that controls it

. Bleed the system to test, hang on it isnt "hissing" like it should, stop bleeding. Think I should check the filter, Isolate more and take out the filter

. It looks like somebody has packed it with hot chocolate powder, cleaned, all back in and running, testing phase at the moment.
So its gonna get a flush and fresh inhibitor in it before the start of the winter season. But all seems good ATM.